
Happy New Year! And Resolutions for 2014!


Happy New Year, Everyone! 

The new year comes time for new resolutions.. If you haven't seen already, I did a post reviewing my resolutions set for the year of 2013 and you can check that out HERE.

I'm going to try and make goals cover a whole area.. I don't know my exact plans for 2014 but I don't want to set very specific goals. With that in mind, here are the resolutions I set for the year of 2014..

1)  Start practising Yoga and try to do: a handstand, headstand  and crows pose.
Now, these seems specific.. As I'm mentioning poses here.. But I do not want to make a goal of setting a certain number of times to do yoga.. Or how long I need the poses for.

I follow quite a few Yoga IG accounts and I dream of being able to do some of their poses, but I know thisc ant be done in a year. If I can get the basics down of the above poses, I would be happy.

2) Try to gain muscle and lose some body fat.
This would actually require me to know how much body fat I have at the moment.. And I will get some body fat calipers or something to measure it with. I know it's not totally accurate to measure this way but it's measure that I can do throughout the year.

I want to start incorporating strength exercises into my weekly routines to help building some muscle.

3) Drink at least 2 litres of water per day.
If you've been reading my blog posts for a while, you'll know that I very frequently slack on water and therefore I want to make this a resolution. I will be marking everyday how much water I've drank and want to keep it up throughout the whole year.

I got a filtered water bottle as a gift for Christmas this year and I think having a bottle to carry around everywhere will be a good incentive to keep drinking.

4) Eat Healthier. Reduce Sweet Treats.
I WAS going to be more restrictive with this goal.. But if I do.. I know hat is going to happen. I will be having dessert at least once a week for our family meal on a Saturday. I want to try and reduce the amount of treats I have during the week and substitute them for healthier options.. Even if I have to make them. 

I did #nochoctober back in October where I completely cut out chocolate sweets and cakes except for my weekly dessert and that worked pretty well but it will not be beneficial to restrict long term.

As with last year, I also have some non-related health and fitness resolutions..

1) Be more organised at home and at work.
I want to make sure that I go to sleep earlier and get up earlier.. Which will I'll leave me with more time to get things done in the mornings before work. Like exercising and having breakfast ect.

Be more organised with my tasks at work to help get things done more effectively.

2) Plan More.
This comes part and parcel with the above. I want to make sure I plan in advance hich will help me be more organised. To have birthdays and events already sorted in advance.

This will also help me with my blogs and making sure that I'm more consistent with posting.

3) Be Happy and Positive. Stress Less.
Self Explanatory.

So, they are my goals for this year. I'm going to be filling in a calendar and diary to help me keep in check this year with everything health and fitness related as well as those that's aren't.

I'm looking forward to this year and seeing what it will bring for me!

I hope everyone has a fabulous start to their year!

Until next time!

Do you set New Years Resolutions? What are they?

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