I figured it would probably be a good idea to update the blog here.. though way overdue.. if you haven't already noticed, my last blog post was my Cambridge Half Marathon update. I'm gonna be honest and say that I really lost the love for blogging, hence the break. I wasn't motivated to put thoughts to keyboard.. it had been that way for...
Original Photo Credit: OSB Events / Saucony Cambridge Half FB Page This past Sunday was my first race of 2018. The Saucony Cambridge Half Marathon! After 16 weeks of training, I almost didn't think it was going to go ahead with all the snow we had. Races were being cancelled all over the place.. but luckily OSB Events(Race organisers) were adamant that everything would...
February went by super fast.. especially towards the end, I seriously lost track of days! Overall this month has been a bit of a win, I'll obviously get on to why a little later in the post. I started some new things mid way through the month which I think has really been working in my favour and I've been noticing some differences,...
We're into taper week. I was excited for the race and taper week but the weather has taken a horrible turn for the worse and now I'm really not excited! I was SO looking forward to giving the race a proper bash at beating my PB.. but if the weather continues as it is, that chance gets further away! Hopefully, it brightens up towards...
Just two weeks to go! We're into the last week of proper training before I start to taper. I can't hide my disappointment in only doing 2 runs again this week.. but I guess it's better than one.. or none! and I did atleast get in some extra activity this week. WEEK THIRTEEN TRAINING MONDAY & THURSDAY Activity: Run | Distance: Bike Commute -...
And just like that.. a few good runs can turn into a really bad one! I made some silly decisions this week which put a serious downer on the end of the week. Though, some positives did come of it, so I suppose it can't be all bad. WEEK TWELVE TRAINING MONDAY, TUESDAY & THURSDAY Activity: Run | Distance: Bike Commute - Distance 2...
A bit of a naff week in terms of quantity with running this week but in terms of quality, the two runs I did do this week were pretty good. I need to make sure I get in that third run during the week, I'm definitely fitting in a run commute and my long run but would ideally like another mid-run 3 mile...
It honestly felt like January was over 100 days.. did anyone else feel like that? We are now into February, the shortest month of the year.. but no doubt one that will feel like it goes on forever too. I started the year in a bit of a slump. I was disappointed in my weight and my measurements and really needed a kick...
A slightly better week than last week, 3 runs, would have preferred 4.. but I'll take the 3. The runs I did were fairly good and I did my first double digit run of half marathon training and of this year! Only 5 weeks left of training too! WEEK TEN TRAINING MONDAY Activity: Run | Distance: 1.50 miles | Time: 13:23 | Pace:...