
Training Diary #26 // Cambridge Half Training - Week Ten


A slightly better week than last week, 3 runs, would have preferred 4.. but I'll take the 3. The runs I did were fairly good and I did my first double digit run of half marathon training and of this year! Only 5 weeks left of training too!

Activity: Run | Distance: 1.50 miles | Time: 13:23 | Pace: 8:57 min/mi
Activity: Run | Distance: 0.37 miles | Time: 3:57 | Pace: 10:47 min/mi
Activity: Run | Distance: 1.17 miles | Time: 12:09 | Pace: 10:23 min/mi
Activity: Run | Distance: 0.37 miles | Time: 3:48 | Pace: 10:10 min/mi

Got a thing for leaving things a little too late recently which means queue a huge panic to get out of the door and to the station.. On the one hand... it is pretty.. handy, in that I can kinda class this as a speed session as it entails a lot of sprints followed by some jogs where I'm incredibly out of breath ;)
It does make it sort of fun too. On the other hand though.. it's really annoying when I actually do miss the train as its a wait in the cold! Thankfully, I made this one on time!

The run commute back kinda sucked and i stopped early to walk, I just wasn't feeling it.

Activity: Run | Distance: Bike Commute - Distance 2 miles each way

Brompton has been giving me a few issues recently so I've booked it in for its service.. a little inconvenient as my nearest Evans cycle where i bought my bike is over an hour away.. It's managing the journey at least.. but I decided to run commute twice during the week to reduce my usage.

It was pretty darn windy on one of the days too which isn't ideal on a small bike... thankfully though, it is getting lighter which means there aren't quite as many near misses with cars as they can 'see' me alittle easier.. though how the hell they don't in the first place is beyond me!

Activity: Run | Distance: 1.52 miles | Time: 14:29 | Pace: 9:32 min/mi
Activity: Run | Distance: 0.35 miles | Time: 3:55 | Pace: 11:10 min/mi
Activity: Run | Distance: 1.47 miles | Time: 15:47 | Pace: 10:43 min/mi
Activity: Run | Distance: 0.39 miles | Time: 3:58 | Pace: 10:11 min/mi

Another not so speedy run commute because of the wind! I actually almost missed the train this time round. Luckily there was a lovely conductor lady who let me through the driver section after the doors close.

Note to self: Get your sh*t together and set off a bit later.. you can still sprint.. but don't leave it too late to the point where you miss the train.

The run commute home sucked big time. I reckon Im packing too much into my run commute bag and the weight is really making me struggle.. I need to consider leaving a change of clothes at work the day before on my cycle commute so I dont have the extra weight.

Activity: Run | Distance: 10 miles | Time: 1:41:10 | Pace: 10:07 min/mi

The plan was double digits and that's exactly what I did! We planned to do the route we planned 2 weeks ago that got smushed due to road closure.. turns out it's quite a good route. Unfortunately, the first half of the run was in some horrible wind out on open roads which was horrible and felt like it was zapping all my energy.. just when I thought we got rid of the wind.. came the beastly hill that I'd been told about on this route. Beastly is not the word I would call it it was absolutely horrendous and I needed to stop for a breather twice to get to the top. It was about .6 mile long.. but probably more like a mile with the slight incline beforehand.
After we got to the top, it was fairly flat followed by some downhill back towards stamford.. it was also unseasonably hot out! I had a long sleeved top and shorts and I was boiling! I'd have been more than happy with a t-shirt!

Pace was great.. I definitely need to learn to slow down for my long runs but its very hard when I have Phillip running with me as he is running extra slow to keep at my pace. With that said.. my pace is not too far off what I'd like for the half marathon so I was pleased with how it went and was feeling relatively OK when I got back to the house. In in all a great run and I'd definitely do that route again.. maybe I'll make it an aim to run up the monster of a hill without stopping!
All in all a decent week. Getting in some unintentional speed work on my run commutes and my long run is back on track after last weeks no-go. Pace is looking great and around the time I'd like it to be for Cambridge Half - given that Cambridge is pretty flat.. I think I'll be on for getting close to 2:10 or maybe under.. but I'm trying not to put too much pressure on myself.

Calf hasn't been too bad this week, it did niggle for a bit at the start of my long run, but stopping and waiting to cross the road seemed to make that ease, I'm not entirely sure why.. it'd be nice to figure it out before the half as ideally, I'd like to run without the calf niggles.

Question: Is the lighter evenings making you excited or do you not mind the dark?

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  1. I much prefer lighter evenings, I don't mind the dark but I want to get back into training in the evenings again.
    It sounds like you'd had a great week of training and your 10 mile pace is excellent! I'd love to get back to that, I definitely think you'll slip under 2.10 in your next HM! xo


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