
Training Diary #24 // Cambridge Half Training - Week Eight


Another week has passed, another week closer to the half marathon. Feeling good overall but hoping to add in some specific sessions to my training. Sessions have been abit hit a miss too but still pleased with how the week overall has progressed.

Activity: Run | Distance: Bike Commute - Distance 2 miles each way

Commutes were a little more successful this week, still a couple of hiccups with impatient drivers but I think that's always going to happen - I'll just be happy when it starts to get lighter and then at least there's literally no excuse for not seeing me.. even though I don't know how you could miss me anyway!
Activity: Run | Distance: 1.49 miles | Time: 13:55 | Pace: 9:20 min/mi
Activity: Run | Distance: 0.36 miles | Time: 3:53 | Pace: 10:48 min/mi
Activity: Run | Distance: 1.48 miles | Time: 15:57 | Pace: 10:48 min/mi
Activity: Run | Distance: 0.38 miles | Time: 4:19 | Pace: 11:18 min/mi

My mid week run commute went pretty well.. however the challenge comes with choosing what to wear for these runs! More often than not, I'll totally misjudge what to wear. I wore a long sleeved top, long tights, gloves and a buff and was too hot despite it being chilly.. then other days.. that doesn't feel like enough.
Hips/groin were a little sore at the start of the run commute but eased off fairly quickly, thankfully. It has been making me a little nervous(especially as the half is getting nearer and nearer) but I've been making more of a conscious effort to make sure I stretch for a while after a run.

Activity: Run | Distance: 3.25 miles | Time: 30:50 | Pace: 9:26 min/mi

My first runch! I kept saying for the longest time that since i moved and started working from home on Fridays that I'd make use of my availability of a shower at home to run at lunch time. Finally did it and the run was pretty hit and miss.
Hips/groin again were a little niggly at the start but went eased as I warmed up, however I then ended up with really sore calves for the most part of the rest of my run until it was too much and I stopped for a break at the top of a hill. Weirdly, when I stop and let it ease and start running again, it seems to go away(or at least isn't as bad).

Despite the niggles, my pace was great for the whole run. I maintained a 9:26 min/mi. Watch says I got a PB for 5k.. which isn't true.. but is for the amount of time I've had the watch. Strava also says that the run was my fastest for the route.

Activity: Run | Distance: 9.26 miles | Time: 1:35:14 | Pace: 10:17 min/mi

Ahhh, Sundays long run. I didn't want to go too far as I've mentioned I'm about 2-3 weeks ahead of plan with distance(I suppose it can't be too much of a bad thing). However, we wanted to try out a new route which ended up being tracked out as just over 10 miles. Things didn't quite go to plan as we got about 4 miles in and there was a closed road. We instead ended up doing an out and back instead as there was no alternate road closeby to get where we needed to go.
We added on a loop at the end to make sure we got 9 miles and ended up on 9.26. Didn't have any hip/groin niggles this time round but did have calf issues until I had stopped and it eased(not sure how stopping seems to make it go away but I'll take it..). Legs felt pretty good when we got back to the house. I'm definitely alot fitter than I think I am, I think maybe the cycle commutes are contributing, that and terrain change from my usual flat routes in the fens.

I think I'd be pretty confident with doing a half marathon in a few weeks if I needed to, I'd just like to get some speed in my legs now which will hopefully be more of a focus over the next coming weeks.


Overall happy with how training is going, I'm happy with the distance I've covered thus far on my long runs. Hoping to get in a speed/hill session at some point during the week and maybe/hopefully the route we were supposed to have done for my Long Run yesterday will be available to do this week.. we will see!

Question: Ever had a route planned and had to change it mid route? 

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