
Training Diary #30 // Cambridge Half Marathon - Week Fourteen


We're into taper week. I was excited for the race and taper week but the weather has taken a horrible turn for the worse and now I'm really not excited! I was SO looking forward to giving the race a proper bash at beating my PB.. but if the weather continues as it is, that chance gets further away! Hopefully, it brightens up towards the end of the week!

Activity: Run | Distance: Bike Commute - Distance 2 miles each way

Monday was a little bit of a fail however. I sped down to the train only to have missed the train and had to cycle all the way back and work from home. Doh! The hills have also really sucked on the way home lately, my legs have been feeling a little fatigued after my long run on the Sunday.

A win is that its light in the morning and at night now which makes me feel a lot safer to ride and oddly, it's been less busy now its lighter too.

Activity: Run | Distance: 1.49 miles | Time: 13:10 | Pace: 8:50 min/mi
Activity: Run | Distance: 0.39 miles | Time: 3:58 | Pace: 10:04 min/mi
Activity: Run | Distance: 1.48 miles | Time: 15:55 | Pace: 10:46 min/mi
I did do the extra .4 I usually do on a run commute, however, I forgot to charge my watch and rather than not track the longer portion, I just turned it off whilst at work to conserve battery. I got another route PB on the way to the station in the morning which I was pleased to see. The way home was horrendous, not only was it pouring down, it was also really windy with gusts of wind, so I had to take a few walking breaks.

Activity: Run | Distance: 1.67 miles | Time: 14:39 | Pace: 8:46 min/mi
Activity: Run | Distance: 0.41 miles | Time: 4:17 | Pace: 10:27 min/mi
Activity: Run | Distance: 1.45 miles | Time: 15:20 | Pace: 10:36 min/mi
Activity: Run | Distance: 0.36 miles | Time: 3:43 | Pace: 10:13 min/mi
Another fail this morning. I don't typically travel to work on a friday and I work from home, however, I was needed in the office, so had to travel in. Turns out Friday morning commutes are not fun. I got half way down the road before doubting whether I locked the door.. so I had to run back to the house to double check.

It was locked, but it made me a little late - ended up with yet another PB surprisingly, despite running back to the house, waiting to cross roads AND having time to take a selfie, haha!

The run home was epically sucky like the last run commute and I had to walk several times again. The temperature dropped and it was pretty harsh on my lungs.

Activity: Run | Distance: 6.21 miles | Time: 58:42 | Pace: 9:27 min/mi
I had initially planned on doing the run with Phillip on Saturday but changed our minds. Phillip then got caught up at work and I had to do my first long run by myself which was sort of weird when you've had someone run with you every week! What was supposed to be a fairly chilled 6 miles, turned out to be a pretty quick one! Watch reported both a 5KM and 10KM PB at the end. They're not official PBs but they're very close to which was a confidence boost!

Whilst I don't think I could maintain a 9:27 min/mi pace for another 7 miles, I'm definitely ahead of schedule to get the 2:10 I'm after at Cambridge this week.

Activity: 30 day challenge exercises

Did 4 days worth of the challenges this week, now that I'm doing the challenges a bit more frequently and not stupidly doing 4+ days in a row, I don't suffer so much with DOMS. I'm definitely noticing an improvement in my strength and I was able to do a couple of full pushups for the first time ever which I'm super happy with! It might not be alot to some.. but it's a lot to me!
The sessions are knackering though! I've been doing 2 days worth every other day and it's been taking me around 25 minutes to complete all 4 of the challenges which is more like a workout than a challenge. I suppose I can't really complain. I'm definitely going to continue with the challenges in March and hopefully start doing Kettlebell workouts too now that I've got a bit of strength back!


So I got a couple of PBs this week which Im super happy about, it's nice to see an improvement in my speed. Phillip had mentioned this morning that this was probably my best training cycle, but i reminded him of the fact that I've only run twice a week for as long as I can remember, so my training hasn't been the best it could possibly be.. it's just been going smoothly, which I'm thankful for.

Just got to get the race out of the way now.. just under a week to go. Hopefully the weather perks up a bit.. but I remember rain and cold last year too, so even if it's just the same, I know I'll be OK. Just don't want it to be worse!

Question: How many training runs do you do per year? What do you find is the best way to increase your speed?

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