
An Update..


I figured it would probably be a good idea to update the blog here.. though way overdue.. if you haven't already noticed, my last blog post was my Cambridge Half Marathon update.

I'm gonna be honest and say that I really lost the love for blogging, hence the break. I wasn't motivated to put thoughts to keyboard.. it had been that way for a while and I'd only been really updating the blog once a week if that. It was getting a bit stale..

I took a break in the hopes that I would maybe be inspired to start writing blog posts again.. but thus far it hasn't come about.

I have been more motivated and more interested in trying to make a go of my youtube channel as I find it an easier outlet than I do on my blog and I'm finding it more fun and able to be a bit more creative.

So.. for the time being, I'm going to continue with that and wont be posting on my blog here.

If you're interested in keeping up with what I'm doing, you can find me on my Youtube channel and I'm still active on all my social media, so hit me up there if you like!

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Thank you for everyones continued support here. I hope to see you on my social media/youtube and maybe I'll see you again here sometime.

I will be keeping the blog live.. just incase and so my content is still available for people to read if they so wish.


If you want to get in contact with me - you can find all my details on my contact page. If you're a brand that might have been looking to work with me - I'm happy to discuss options for a video, so do feel free to contact me and we can discuss.

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