#Janathon Day 3 // #30DaysofYoga with Adriene & @SknyBox Workouts!


Today has been a pretty good day for exercise. I've decided to start two 30 day plans this week to cover my exercise during the month of January.

I'm a big fan of Yoga with Adriene and when I saw before Christmas that she would be planning on doing the 30 Days of Yoga I thought it would be great to get involved with some daily practice and will also get me back into Yoga.

I haven't practiced yoga in quite a while.. I got lazy and decided not to practice. I do regret it and I always realise how much I've missed it when I get back to the mat. I was busy on New Years Day and yesterday it completely slipped my mind to start but I did today and plan to keep it up from now. I'm a few days behind but I'll stick to one a day and just go over a few days after January.

So today I did the first video from Adriene's 30 Days of Yoga and it was pretty fab! Some nice relaxed me time on the mat was just what I needed. I look forward to continuing daily practice.
If you're interested in doing 30 Days of Yoga, then you can find out more about it HERE.

I also decided to start the 30 Day Workout plan that came with my SKNY Box Subscription for last month. I was intrigued with the workout plan and decided to give it a go.

I've taken before pictures and will take after pictures for the end of the month after I've finished the plan. There's 2 Body Weight workouts and 2 HIIT workouts that are set during the month with different reps and sets to complete each week.
I'm interested to see what results I get at the end of the month and I'll obviously update here at the end of the month :)

I'm definitely all set for workouts this month. Yoga coupled with the SKNY Box workouts and running 3 x a week, I'm hoping to make some progress with my weight loss this month.

Bring it on! I'm looking forward to the workouts this month and I'll speak to you tomorrow for Day 4!

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