Monthly Stats // May // Weigh In, Measurements & Progress Pics


Hey Everyone! I hope those in the UK are enjoying the long weekend! For everyone else, I hope you enjoyed your weekend!

I had this post all ready to go at the start of the month and then totally didn't schedule properly, so I'm a little late with this one but there isn't a lot to update with either.


Last Weight: 155.8 lbs

Today's Weight: 156.4 lbs

Loss/Gain This Week: +0.6 lbs

Total Weight Loss: 101.6 lbs
I was considering not weighing in at all this month as its just been bugging me. Something is not right to have not lost ANYTHING for the whole year. I've a couple of options. Firstly, I'm gonna speak to my surgeon and see whether this is even normal for someone who's had major surgery. Secondly, I think my implant could may well be playing it's role in stopping me from loosing any weight.. it can be common, so its possible that's whats happening.

It would be nice to have an answer. I'm bordering overweight on the BMI scale atm, which, I know hardly means sh*t for someone who has a lot of muscle.. but knowing that I'm bordering it is bothering me SO much. I don't want to be classed as overweight when I worked so hard to get away from it.


Last Months Measurements:
Neck: 12 | Chest: 32 | Waist: 28 | Belly: 35 | Hips: 36
Left Bicep: 11.5 | Right Bicep: 12 | Left Forearm: 9 | Right Forearm: 9
Left Thigh: 23 | Right Thigh: 23 | Left Calf: 15.5 | Right Calf: 16

Changes this month:
No changes this month. I've started to incorporate some weights  and body weight workouts back into my routine with the workout trainer app so I'm hoping that makes a difference. I'm clutching at straws at the moment. I just need to keep trucking, no matter the result. Eventually, something has to give and it won't be my mind!


I think I'm always going to have the problem of lighting and location when I share the house with other people. It's just not always convenient to hog a room whilst in my undies to take pictures.

I've also noticed that my posture SUCKS. In my May photos, I seem to lean back slightly which pushes out my tummy and makes things look bigger than the actually are.

I've noticed changes here that AREN'T being picked up by the camera. I've definitely been noticing my my stomach area doesn't look quite as puffy. I have two sections either side of my belly button that are a little puffy and I've definitely noticed that these have gone down recently. 

I've emailed my surgery coordinator to book a 1 year post op appointment with my Surgeon to see what he says about the pooch I have above my scar line. I'm gonna do my 1 year post op post when I've been to see him.


I feel as though I'm stuck in a rut at the moment. I'm trying to figure things out. The scales I know are the devil so I'm not really that upset about them going up slightly. However, the whole measurement/picture thing is starting to bug me. I clearly must be doing something wrong so I'm switching things up.

Up until now, I've not actually been tracking what I've been eating as I've been used to eating the same foods, I roughly know the calories in foods and have been doing things that way. 

I am going to be tracking calories and macro's for a while, just to get a feel for where I'm at and see if there is anywhere that I'm going wrong. It might be that I think I'm eating OK but I'm actually eating too much - which can happen when you exercise a lot during the week, so I'll be tracking to see whats what. 

Hopefully I can figure out where I'm going wrong, otherwise, I'll probably look into finding a nutritionist or look to a professional for advice.

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