
What I Ate Wednesday #6


Welcome to another instalment of What I Ate Wednesday! I'm really enjoying these posts where I get to share some of my eats with you.

I mentioned last week that I was going to be a day when I eat out and the type of choices I make. That isn't going to happen. A change of plans at work and we aren't having our team lunch until Friday so I will include it in next weeks instead.

So.. Lets get on to my eats for today..

Breakfast: Dorset Proper Porridge with 150ml of skimmed milk topped with a handful of Kellogg's Crunchy Nut Glorious Oat Granola
Lunch: 3 Ryvita Black Pepper Crispbread with Tuna(mixed with a little salad cream)
Dinner: Wholemeal pasta with petis pois, Philadelphia cream cheese and some ready cooked chicken slices
Snacks: Graze Tomato & Basil Pizza Punnet, some Mikado sticks, a banana, a handful of grapes and a slice of birthday cake.
Drinks: 3 x cups of tea with some semi skimmed milk, a cup of options hot chocolate and usual glasses of water.

All in all a good day for eats.. Maybe or maybe not to some people but its good for me.. In my opinion anyway.

It was my little baby's 1st birthday today.. She's growing up so fast!

She looks SO big in the second picture. It was also one of the dogs birthdays today too. Phillips mum got a birthday cake to celebrate. Hence why I had a slice today ;)

Other than the birthdays, not much has been going on. Just had work as per.

Do you have any pets? Do you celebrate their birthdays?
We have 3 dogs, 4 cats, a bearded dragon and 5-6 snakes.. I sometimes feel like I'm living in a zoo. Only Kia is mine.. And I would prefer not to live under the same roof as any reptiles or snakes..

Laura x

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