
Phone Troubles and What I Ate Wednesday #15


 Uggh... Sorry Lovlies.. I should have written this post yesterday.. but I've had some issues lately so I didn't get chance.

About 3 weeks ago, I may have mentioned that my phone broke and I had to send it off for repair. About 20 days into the repair, i'd heard nothing about the phone.. so decided to find out if there was a repair tracker because I wasn't told about one, so I assumed there wasn't one (silly me).

After checking the repair tracker, I noticed that my phone had been back in the store for 6 days and I had not been told. I wasn't very happy and marched to the store that night(17th) to pick it up.

Everything seemed to be OK, until I woke up the next morning the find that the fault had not been fixed. I had an intermittent fault where the phone wasn't recognizing my SIM card and therefore the phone was useless to me.

So.. I'm now without a phone.. and don't expect to have a working phone over the whole of Christmas, which isn't a good thing when I need to travel over Christmas.

So alas.. I've been very busy, with that, on top of the revision for my exam. So thats where we stand with regards to posts this week.

So, I missed out on WIAW because I had to take my foodie pictures with someone else's phone and then forget to grab them from her. ;)

We went for a Work Christmas Lunch on Tuesday and it was lovely and I was SO happy to finally have something else to show you other than Porridge and Soup! ;)

For Starters, we had a sharing platter that was between 5 or so people on each table.

Not that good of a picture, but I didn't take it and my friend felt weird taking foodie photos (I've kinda just got used to it).

So, the Starters were Cheesy Spinach Potato Skins, BBQ Chicken Wings, Goats Cheese Crostini with Chilli Ham, Ham Hock Bruschetta and Cajun Breaded Mushrooms. 

I tried one of each because I didn't want to miss out and wanted to try them all. ;)

Next, was Main Course.
Roast Turkey with Cranberry Sauce, Stuffing, Sausage and Homemade Gravy
with Sides of Roast Potatoes, Cauliflower Cheese and Pancetta sprouts.

I did have more veggies than what is pictured, but it was shared between a whole group of people so I just snapped what I had at the time.

I thought this was OK, not the best Turkey that I've had and I would have preferred it to be a little on the warmer side.. All food was served on cold plates and I HATE that because the food goes cold so quickly.

Finally, there was Dessert..
This was Peanut Butter Brownie Cheesecake and it was DIVINE.

If you've been reading my blog for a while then you may have noticed my love for Cheescake. But that combined with Peanut Butter AND Brownie.. WOW.

I almost wanted to lick the plate clean... but obviously I didn't ;)

The Coca Cola Truck has been travelling all around the country and was in Ely on the same day that we had our lunch this week so Me and a couple of other colleagues couldn't resist!

Only me and another colleague wore Christmas Jumpers to the Lunch... Bah Humbug! ;)

Thanks, as always, to Jenn over at Peas and Crayons for hosting the linkup. Please go and check out all the other ladies and gents posts via the link :)

Tonight, I'm going to be going back to the store that did my repair to complain. I am SO not happy about being left without a phone over Christmas. The phone is only 6 months old as it is.. It shouldn't have even gone faulty and it should have been fixed first time.

Then afterwards.. its back to revision.. YAY! -_-

Does you work do anything over the Christmas Period like a party or a lunch? Have you had yours yet?

Whats your plans for tonight?

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