What I Ate Weduesday #22


Happy Wednesday! It's the middle of the week(if you work Mon-Fri)!

Yesterday was Pancake Day (or Shrove Tuesday) and usually we don't make too much of a fuss. For the last few years, we've attempted to make pancakes and they kept going wrong so we gave up.

This year, I decided I was gonna do a good job of them! I've been seeing some lovvveeely recipes for pancakes on a couple of peoples blogs and really want to start making some. So on Sunday, when Phillip and I were out shopping, we bought a proper pancake pan to make our pancakes in.

What better time to test out the pancake pan than on pancake day?! That's where my eats come in this week:
Breakfast: Twinings Green Tea (Mango and Lychee) with some Nakd Cocoa and Orange Bites.
Lunch: Multigrain Bun with Princes Tuna Tikka Mayo and some slices of cucumber.
Dinner: Meat Free Burgers made from Soya, Cauliflower Cheese, Baked Beans and Sliced Runner Beans.
Snacks: Nakd Banana Crunch, 2x Clementine and PANCAKES!

Pfft.. and whats this about the first pancake always going wrong? All of the ones that I made were perrrfect and delicious!
I'm now going to be on the hunt for more pancake recipes to make. Nom!

As always, thanks to Jenn for the linkup. I'm hoping to find some recipes when I have a look at everyone else's posts :)
Question: Did you make pancakes? Whats your favourite toppings?

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