
29 TMI Questions


Seen this post floating about everywhere on the blogosphere lately and I've also seen it done on a lot of the bloggers Youtube Channels(that's where it originated from I think).

I thought it was fun and since I don't have a Youtube channel, I thought I'd answer the questions here on my blog instead :)

1. What are you wearing?
Night Shirt and Garmin Vivofit

2. Ever been in love?
Yep! These two have my heart <3
3. Ever had a terrible breakup?
Nope, Phillip is my first real relationship, so had no other breakups.

4. How tall are you?

5. How much do you weigh?
Haven't weighed in since before surgery and I was around 138-140 lbs

6. Any tattoos?
Nope, considering one, but it probably wont happen.

7. Any piercings?
Just Ears.

8. Favorite song?
Embarassingly enough.. any song from the Frozen Movie.. its deffo my favourite Disney movie currently.

9. Quality you look for in a partner?
Personality / Sense of humor

10. Favorite quote?
11. Favorite actor?
This one is hard.. I've been thinking about it too long.. There's so many to choose from. However, If it had been Actress, hands down I'd pick Jennifer Lawrence, I love her.

12. Loud music or soft?
Depends on my mood. But usually loud and blasting from the car ;)

13. Where do you go when you’re sad?
Probably for a run.. but I can't do that right now due to surgery.. so an empty room where I can be by myself.

14. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
I'm gonna say around 20 minutes..

15. Ever been in a physical fight?

16. Turn on?
See #9

17. Turn off?
Rudeness and Arrogance

18. Fears?
So many to mention.. Spiders, Snakes, Most Creepy Crawlies, Needles (how did I get through major surgery? not without alot of crying ;) ) and death.

19. Last thing that made you cry?
My freak out last night due to probable infection (will keep you updated)

20. Last time you said you loved someone?
This morning, before Phillip left for work again after his break and to my little furbaby.

21. Meaning behind your YouTube Name?
Don't have a Youtube channel, but my Youtube username is the same as the blog.. and it is just the transition between two stages in my weight loss journey.

22. The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
My Boss

23. Favorite food?

24. Place you want to visit?
USA (Specifically somewhere like Florida, LA, New York)

25. Do you have a crush?
Other than Phillip? Ian Somerhalder

26. Last time you kissed someone?
This morning, My Little Princess
27. Last time you were insulted?
I dont remember who or what it was

28. Favorite piece of jewelry?
Engagement Ring.
29. Who should answer these questions next?
You should!

If you have a blog.. answer them and link me your post in the comments, or feel free to answer any of the questions in the comments :)

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