2014 Reflections & 2015 Resolutions


Happy New Year, Everyone!
Sorry I've been so distant here on the blog over the last week or two. I've been away at my parents over the Christmas period and wanted to spend some quality time with them rather than being glued to my phone and Ipad during that time blogging.

Then, if you follow me on Twitter, you'll already know that I got sick on Christmas Day with a cough/cold and I've had it since. I still have it now, much to my dismay. Hopefully it goes soon.

I usually do a reflection/resolution recap before the end of the year but I really haven't felt up to doing much on my laptop. Instead, I'm just bunging it together with my resolutions for 2015.

Lets get to it!

2014 Reflections
I think before I start talking about my reflections on resolutions from last year, it's probably best for a quick reminder on what they actually were.

Health & Fitness related resolutions:
1)  Start ppracticing Yoga and try to do: a handstand, headstand  and crows pose.
2) Try to gain muscle and lose some body fat.
3) Drink at least 2 litres of water per day.
4) Eat Healthier. Reduce Sweet Treats.

'Life' resolutions:
1) Be more organised at home and at work.
2) Plan More.
3) Be Happy and Positive. Stress Less.

I actually think that I did pretty good with my 'life' resolutions. I have and am much more organised with everything this year. I keep notes and have calendars all over the place to make sure that I'm on top of events and such during the year. I've been good with my blog and the scheduling of posts, although that could be better and I will get on that in the new year.

Being more Happy and Positive actually came when I had surgery and my confidence and happiness has come leaps and bounds since having it done. It can only get better from here and I'm happy that I have been able to achieve and improve on these resolutions this year.

My health and Fitness resolutions went on the back burner due to my surgery this year. I was doing really well at the start of the year and I was doing well with Yoga and with my workouts. At this point, I literally had no idea I was going to have surgery and had my holiday upcoming, so motivation was high. I booked my surgery in February, I went on holiday in late march and had surgery the same week I came back.
After that, my resolutions and all health and fitness related goals that I had set ended up taking a back seat and the only thing I was looking forward to was feeling better. It took a couple of months before I was fit and well enough to workout again and even longer than that for me to get back into a normal routine, before I knew it we were coming to the end of the year.

Healthier eating and water definitely sucked this year. I just can't crack the sweet habit and I can't say I'm a massive fan of water so I'm gonna work on ways to spice up my water in the New Year to get more of it in!

I did work on all of my health and fitness resolutions but sadly didn't get to a point where I was happy to say that I achieved them fully. The main thing that I'm going to take out of this is the fact that I'm happy that I at least attempted them and that's good enough for me.

Setting resolutions has never been about beating myself up if I don't achieve them. Its great if I do, but the resolutions give me something to work towards for the whole year and they have always been a source of motivation to me, that's why I have done resolutions for this year too!

2015 Resolutions
I already knew some of the resolutions that I wanted to set for this year. I try not to make them too restrictive and I don't want to be pin point specific with them either. One of the things I really hate is when people set pin point specific resolutions that don't seem realistic to achieve and then are disappointed and give up before they've even properly started.

I have set one specific goal, only because It's completely realistic and somewhere I've been before.. you'll see what I mean when I talk about my resolutions for this year.

So, here are my Fitness/Health related resolutions for this year:
- Get back down to my pre-surgery weight
This sometimes seems impossible as my weight doesn't want to shift but I just need to be a bit more strict with myself and I should get there no problem.

- Get better at yoga, practice at least once a week.
I'd like to practice yoga at least once a week, preferably a few times a week. I still want to be able to do a headstand, handstand and crow pose as I said in my last years resolutions

- Learn to swim confidently with all swim strokes.
As you already know I've been taking swimming lessons. I'd like to be able to swim confidently with front crawl, breast stroke and back stroke and I'm sure that I will be able to do that this week. I can already kind of do it, just not very well ;)

Do at least 1 month sweet-treat free.
I've done this before and I think its good to have a break. I really would like to just go cold turkey on sweets and treats and sub them for healthier alternatives but my will power isn't strong enough(at least right now anyway). I'm hoping that If I'm able to go sweet-treat free for a month, I can hopefully extend it and get to a point where I'm happy to have a treat a few times a month rather than everyday. I'll keep you updated on my progress.

Some other non-fitness/health related resolutions I have are:
- Be More Social
Both in person and online. I'm not that much of a talkactive person.. which is hard to beleive when I seem like I talk alot from my blog. I struggle to initiate conversations with people or hold conversations with people. It has been noticed in person and it's not something I'd like people to associate me with so I want to try and make more of an effort to be a social person and try and initiate conversations more.

I can be quite quiet and laidback on social media too and I'd like to start talking more and being more active on my social media channels to get out more content and provide people with a bit more insight into my day-to-day activities.

- Start a Youtube Channel.
I've technically started a Youtube channel. I made an introduction video a couple of months ago but then I never got round to making a new video as I didn't think that the introduction went well. I'd love to get into Youtube more and expand my opportunities. I love watching YT videos so would love to be involved with that and hopefully tie the content in to that on my blog.

- Continue to focus on building up my blog/content
I think that I work on my blog a lot but there's still more that I can do with it. I want to build up my readership and provide steady content from my blog. I also want to work on my interaction with other bloggers and maybe go to some blogger events during the year, make some new friends, experience new things, find and work with different brands. Basically just grow my blog further.


So, there are my resolutions for this year. Definitely nothing that is out of my reach and actually a majority that are already in progress or will be started very soon!

There's nothing that is pin point specific that I need to do and no time lines to work with(other than the end of the year). I think that they're all manageable things to work towards this year and I am excited to see what this year brings for me and where I will be this time next year.

I hope that 2015 brings you and abundance of health and wellness! Go rock your goals/resolutions for 2015!

Question: Do you set resolutions for yourself for the new year or goals?

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  1. I think you did remarkably well in your 2014 goals considering you had major surgery! It's been really great to find your blog this year, and I have no doubt that you'll smash your 2015 goals!

    Happy New Year hun! x

  2. You've done so great with your 2014 resolutions! You should try using the SMART goal technique, it helps me so much on a day to day basis. There's some pointers here: http://wp.me/p4HKTN-ra

    You'll be great in 2015!

  3. Thanks @Steph :) I'll definitely work my arse off to get my goals this year!

    Happy New Year! Hope 2015 is a good'un for you! x

  4. Thanks @Nicola :) I'll deffo have a look at the SMART Technique! Thanks for that :)

    Have a great 2015! Hope its a great year for you! x

  5. In reality, resolutions are an on-going thing anyway! I think it's great that you've reflected on what you achieved last year & identified what things you'd still love to do, but haven't achieved yet. Life often gets in the way of even the best of intentions & a lot of people just give up, so I think you've done fab!

    Wishing you the best of luck for this coming year!

    Lorna || naturally-bee.blogspot.co.uk ||

  6. Thanks Lorna, You're right, life always finds a way to get in the middle of things I just try not to let it take over completely.

    Hope you had a great christmas and new year :) x

  7. Getoutandseestuff4 January 2015 at 21:37

    Hey Laura, Thanks so much for linking up! Feel free to link back to encourage others to join in too :) I'm loving your New Years Resolutions for 2015! I too want to try yoga this year as I've never done it before, and then perhaps I'll know what a crows pose is! hee hee. The sweet treat free month would be a hard one for me, but I'm sure it's possible with the right amount of determination.. good luck, I look forward to seeing how you get on!

  8. Laura you've already come so far - I'm sure you won't let yourself down at all this year. I think surgery is a very valid reason for not quite reaching last years goals and you're right not to let yourself look at that in a negative way at all. I hope to see you reaching this year's goals bit by bit as I follow you with Get Out and See Stuff - I've linked up there too so hopefully we can spur one another on! Good luck, and happy new year. x

  9. Thanks @Grumpyishmum I certainly am gonna try my best to achieve my resolutions for this year! It will be good to have support and I'll certainly support anyone else that is trying to make a positive change in their life! :)

    Happy New Year and Good Luck with your resolutions too! :)

  10. @getoutandseestuff I'm going to modify my post here so I can link back to you guys! It's great to have and give support to others for their resolutions, its a fantastic idea!

    You really should try Yoga, it's fantastic and I'm so glad I started practicing, I definitely want to put in the effort to get better at it this year :)

    I've tried a sweet treat ban last year in oct 13 and allllmost made it to the end of the month, I'd definitely like to try it again and hopefully have it stick this year. I'm thinking of trying it in February and seeing how I get on! :)

    Good luck with your resolutions too! :) Happy New Year! x

  11. I've enjoyed reading this, you're an inspiration. My resolutions are to cut out snacks & exercise more. I'm coming back to read more of your blog & about your surgery.

  12. @Nortonmum Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed reading it. You've got some good goals to start with! Starting slow & steady is always the best bet for maintaining exercise and incorporating it into your daily lifestyle. :)

    I have a whole section on my skin removal surgery here if you're interested: http://laurafat2fit.blogspot.com/p/plastic-surgery.html :)

  13. Hi Laura, great resolutions for this coming year, wish you the very best in achieving these. I really want to start a YouTube channel as well and I am hoping this year will the time. I watch a lot of channels and I do enjoy catching up with those.


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