Sum It Up.. Sunday!


Hi Everyone! Happy Sunday! 

I hope this week has been going well for you. I'm such an un-organised blogger sometimes and I like to write this post ON the Sunday rather than have it already prepared, that's why I missed last weeks post.

From now on I'm pre-writing so I have everything ready and just add last little bits at the end! Anyway, lets get onto this weeks antics.
Swimming - I had my swimming lesson as usual. I think its actually going really well. My front crawl is going well and I'm able to consistently swim a length without stopping. However, I still have to work on my stamina as, when I've done a length, I have to take a breather to get my breath back which sucks!

We started trying to do Breast Stroke technique(as others were asking to do it) and I suck at it. I can't get the technique right, my arms go too wide and I forget to kick.. I'm just a mess. I would much rather just continue to do front crawl until I can do it confidently and then start on breaststroke later.

I only really need to know how to do one. I don't NEED to know both.

2 x Running - This was just two runs this week, pretty short runs but I don't mind that they were shorter runs, I figure that  a short run is better than not doing anything at all.
I didn't manage to get in any other workouts this week other than walking, in the mornings and at lunch.

Food has been OK this week. Not as good as last week but still doing well. Managed to keep my eating in check for the most part except for slacking slightly on the weekend.

During the week I had some good breakfast choices including some bagels topped with PB and Jam and also some porridge. I'm definitely feeling MUCH better having a good breakfast to start of the day! I will definitely be making sure that I MAKE time to have my breakfast!

Then it was valentines day yesterday, we went to see a movie(which involved lots of popcorn) and had a meal at Franky and Bennie's and I don't believe in restricting yourself from something you want so I wasn't going to have a salad!

So, it's safe to say that there's been some things that I I wouldn't normally have this week but it would be pretty boring if every week had the same food choices day in, day out each week. I like to switch things up and variety is always good for me.

Plan For Next Week
So, In my last post, I mentioned that I wanted to get in a couple of runs this week, I did two, that's better than nothing, however, I completely forgot I was having my implant replaced at the end of the week and my arm has been so sore to any exercise has been out of the question. I'm a big baby with pain and since you still move your arms during running, it didn't seem like a good idea.

I have been successful in adjusting my morning routine. I haven't liked it so much but I've just gotten on with it.  There hasn't been much change workout wise regarding the time I workout, I just have to be more organised and do things quicker rather than messing around in the morning checking social media and such when I can do that later on a break.

Blogging has been OK this week, I've managed to push out a couple of posts this week and have some planned for next week too so I'm pretty much on track with that.

If you missed my posts this week, I did a post on my Tips for Running and also did a post on Yoga Therapy for Anger, so check those out if you like!

For this week, I'd like to get back to Yoga as I missed it last week and kinda needed it at times. I also want to try and get in some body weight workouts this week. There are PLENTY to choose from on Youtube.

 I want a set routine so I know exactly what I'm going to be during the week so I have no excuse and I can't blame it on being unorganized. I'm currently in the middle of sorting myself out a mini plan this week. Plans always help you stay on track! So I'm hoping this will do the trick!


I put up a new video on my Youtube channel earlier today which was just a short chat video about my Half Marathon plans, if you follow me on social media, you'll know that I got accepted to be in the Great North Run this year and I want to make sure that I train properly for this one!

I'll be doing update videos quite regularly with my training progress, whats working, what isn't, how my runs are going ect, so if you're interested, get on over to my channel and subscribe so you're automatically updated! :)

Question: Whats your typical workout routine like for the week? Let me know how you stay active during the week! :)

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