Ultimate Coffee Date // April


Hi Everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Easter Weekend!
The Ultimate Coffee Date
As you can tell from the title, this is The Ultimate Coffee Date. Hosted by Got2Run4Me, FitnessMomWineCountry and ConfessionsOfAMotherRunner.

I haven't done one of these posts since way back in October and I had to go back to see what I last updated you all on! A lot has happened since the last time we had a coffee date. I wont go into everything or I'll be here all day but I'll mention the major things.

So, grab a cuppa and lets catch up! :)

If we were having coffee, I'd tell you... that I met my niece for the first time this weekend. She's SO beautiful and I fell in love with her instantly. I miss her so much already. I'm hoping to FaceTime with my sister every week so I don't miss out on too much!

I was surprised that I wasn't really all that broody either. I would love to have kids but they're just not for me right now and that's totally OK. Me and P would like to travel a little more before we settle down for kids and such.

I did get quite a few people telling me I was a natural and that having/holding a baby suited me. I seemed to handle things pretty well too, I was able to feed/wind her and calm her down with her screaming fits, so I'm all prepared when I have my own right?! ;)

I joke!

If we were having coffee, I'd tell you... that I can't believe that I am 3 days away from being 1 year post surgery! That's ridiculous. Time has flown by and it doesn't seem that long ago.  I'll be doing a 1 year post here for those that are interested, that will go up on Friday! :)

I need to go and see Russo for my yearly checkup, there are somethings concerning me/bugging me but I'll mention that all in my update post. However, my surgery isn't something I regret, I would do it again in a heart beat, I just need some reassurement and advice, hopefully Russo can give that too me.

If we were having coffee, I'd tell you... that the last time we had coffee, I was talking to you about going for swimming lessons as I wasn't very confident in the water. I'm happy to say that swimming lessons are going great! Yes, I am still doing them, which may surprise some as it's been a while since I started learning.

It's hard work that's for sure! but I'm slowly but surely getting there. I can do full lengths of front crawl now with rotations and breathing(on my right side, left side is a little rusty) and I can confidently swim on my back, something I'd have NEVER done prior to lessons as I was terrified.

I'm hoping that before the holiday, I'd have cracked it, or at least be mostly there, then I'll have 2 weeks of non-stop swimming lessons if I wanted! ;)

I'm also loving my new swimming cap that I won in a Speedo Comp.. I just need some new goggles now as I think mine are designed for males and maybe they're too big, they keep letting in water and fogging!

If we were having coffee, I'd tell you... that Half Marathon training is going well.. but not as well as I would have wanted. For the first couple of weeks, I was doing really well with training, if you've followed me for a while, you'll already know that I have a love hate relationship with running and Long Runs are my arch nemesis.

I've managed to do all of my long runs with no problems at all, but I'm struggling with how many miles Im covering over the week. I'm at the point in my training where I have 4-5 mile runs at least twice a week and not feeling like my legs have recovered before I need to do another. It's pretty frustrating.

I have about 6 weeks to go until I do my half marathon(a day after my birthday I might add) and I'm very much NOT looking forward to it. I hope that this changes before race day. Fingers Crossed.

I think that that is all I've got to update you on for the moment! All the major things at least. I won't leave it as long to catch up next time. I'd highly recommend you all to join in on this, don't forget to checkout the lovely hosts and other bloggers taking part! It's great to have a good chat and a catch up, maybe you've missed something! :)

Question: Tell me, if we were having coffee, what would you have to tell me?

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  1. Your niece is adorable! You're still really young so have plenty of time to have kids yet!

    Happy to hear swimming is going well :)

    Corinne x

  2. Congratulations on becoming an aunt! She is very cute.

    Nice job on the swimming too! I used to love swimming but haven't been in a pool for years and years.

  3. @Corinne C Thank you! She's such a cutie and grows every time I see pictures of her! Me and Phillip would like to travel and such first so we're not in a rush! :)

    Thanks for commenting! Have a great rest of your week! :) x

  4. @Steph Thanks Honey! Isn't she just?! :D She's growing so fast! Every time my sister posts a new photo she's grown so much!

    I used to HATE getting in the water but I actually look forward to going now! and it never feels like I've really worked out which is a bonus! :)


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