
WestRun London // Training Diary // Week 1 Recap


Welcome to my first week of training for the WestRun London 10k - If you've been reading a while, I'm sure you're already familiar with my training diaries that I did for Great North Run. If you're not familiar, I check in each week leading up to race day letting you know what runs I did this week as part of training, how the runs went and what runs I have planned for the next week.
So, with that said - I wrote up a plan the other day - it's quite a basic plan - not everything is set out in stone. I'm pretty vague with some of my runs, purely because I don't know where I'm at with regards to those runs yet, so I'm learning and judging my training runs based on how they go.

In particular; Intervals, Hills and Tempo runs don't have any specifics to them. I didn't do a lot of them in my last training plan, so I'm starting from scratch with them. Interval runs are definitely something I'm not used to. I don't know how long I can run as a sprint and how long I need to recover - so I'll judge by how each of the runs go.

So, what happened this week?

Week 1 Training Schedule
3 Miles
5 Miles
ParkRun/Tempo Run
Interval Run
What I Did
5 Miles/Swim
2 Miles
Interval Run - 3.3 Miles
I hadn't actually written a training plan until about half way through the week, which is really bad of me! I should have written the plan a while ago as I knew I would be doing a 10k - but I just didn't get round to it.

I thought that I'd done 4 runs this week, but when I looked at my Garmin stats and it said I'd only done 3. It's probably right though!

So, I did 3 runs this week. I did 5 miles and a swim on Wednesday - I met Phillips mum in the city and we went running. I was seriously surprised how dark in the mornings now. It's time for me to break out some high-vis gear! I'll be doing a post in the not too distant future all about high-vis gear too.
On Friday, there was a last minute change in plan and I needed to take the dog out in the morning, so I ended up running her 2 miles to save on time rather than walk her in double the time.

Saturday was supposed to be a park run day - but I had SUCH a bad night the night before - I've been getting some ridiculously painful stomach/back ache lately - I used to get the same pain a few years ago and when I went to the doctors, it turned out to be gall stones - so I'm hoping it's not happening again! I'm gonna keep an eye on it and go back if it keeps happening.

Sunday -  I ended up attempting my first interval run in quiiiite a while. It sucked big time! It's SO hard! I ended up doing 1 min sprint with 2 min rest x 10 - with a 0.5 mile warm up run and a bit of a run to get back home after I'd finished. The sprint runs - I was under 8 min/mi (oh how I would love to run that normally) and was at the point of almost being sick after the minute was up and then ended up walking the first minute and then getting back into a jog for the second half of the rest.

Above is my splits for the interval run I did - those highlighted in yellow were my 'sprints', though, I'm sure that my sprints are someone elses easy pace - but I was giving it my all and that's what counts, right? :) My rest breaks were alittle slow but I can improve on that I'm sure!

So, that's been it for this weeks training, I only did 3 runs - but the runs were good ones, so I'm still hopeful that training will go OK!

Week 2 Training Schedule
Intervals / Hill Training
3 Miles
Park Run / Tempo
Long Run - 7 Miles
Usually during training, I always try to have the same rest/run days so I get into a sort of routine. Unfortunately, I've got to jiggle things around this week as P's mum is away for the week so I've just re-jigged some of my runs so they suit the days better. It shouldn't make much difference. I'll just be mega busy with everything at home this week so hopefully I don't miss any of the runs.

I don't have as long to train for this race, so part of me is worried that if I miss a run - it will affect me more. However, one good thing on my side is that I can already run the the distance for the race - it's just a case of trying to get faster!

I've also decided to include some longer runs in my training plan so I can try and maintain some of my Half Marathon mileage, so that when it comes to doing another half marathon, I won't have to start from the beginning again, I will already have a basis for mileage. Sounds like a plan to me.


So that's about it! My plan thus far is a little vague with no specifics for hill training or intervals, I'm just going to go with the flow with it and see how it goes. The worst that happens is that my training plan doesn't work as well as I thought it would and I don't get any faster - it's all part of the learning process I guess, I'll just have to wait and see!

Question: What are you currently training for?

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