
Sum It Up.. Sunday!


I'm a little fed up this week. Actually, I'm more than a little fed up, with myself more than anything else. Things started out good and ended up pretty crappy. I got sick and things went downhill. Please read on if you're not too depressed by my intro ;)
Running -  I ran 3 times this week, I did two shorter runs at the start of the week and then park run this weekend. I've had a cold since Wednesday evening so I've not really been in the mood to do much as I've been feeling pretty crappy. I did want to do park run this weekend though so forced myself to go. Plus I wanted to give my new trail shoes a whirl round the Brandon Trails, so I pumped myself up for park run. I ended up getting round in just under 30 minutes so I'm happy with that.
Hopefully next week will be a better week.

Swimming - I just did 1 swim again this week, I was going to go on Friday but going to the pool when sick is not the best of ideas! My swim lesson was OK, I'm just finding it really hard. I'm feeling a little pressured to swim faster as the others in the lesson are faster than me. By doing this, I'm getting out of breath quicker and everything just goes to pot. I just need to focus on my own technique, my own breathing and not worry about whether I'm slower than others, they can always pass me.

I'm definitely going to have to get in some more practice with Front Crawl to focus on slowing down with my stroke, not rushing so much and focusing more on technique.

Ugh... being ill doesn't do much at all for good food choices. That's pretty much all I can say. Food was good at the beginning of the week. I've been having some delicious soup from Glorious Foods which are pretty good! I got a cold towards the end of the week and things started to slip. I was feeling pretty hungry and miserable this weekend. However, colds don't last forever, I'm finally feeling better and should be getting back to normal again.

Plan For Next Week
I feel like I'm kinda going round in circles at the moment without actually making any progression. I've got all these plans and none of them have materialized yet unless is running related.

So, Whats my plan for next week? I reckon maybe getting my sh*t together!

I really just need to figure out what it is I want, what I want to achieve and just starting, somehow, depending on the outcome. It seems that when I set a plan, it just doesn't happen. It's bugging me but I know it's only me that can do something about it.

It's gotta happen eventually, I just seem to be in a phase at the moment where I don't seem to be committed.

I didn't do any other blog posts this week, which is totally great(not..) but I've been putting together some Christmas Gift Guide posts that will start to go live as of next week, so these will hopefully make up for my absence.

I'm starting with gifts for runners, since that's what I know the most about. Let me know if there's any other gift guides you'd like to see me do like foodies, yoga, just general fitness gifts? Let me know!

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