
Recipe // Attempting High Protein Yule Log!


Disclosure: I was provided with some ingredients and money to buy recipe ingredients from Discount Supplements in return for an honest review. I am not being paid to talk about or advertise their products. All opinions of the product are my own.
It has been an age since I last baked something. I was supposed to be making more of a conscious effort to bake this year and I just never got round to it! I sometimes find baking quite relaxing and almost therapeutic when things go right.. but when things go wrong it can be incredibly frustrating!

However, I think I'm a little out of practice with baking as I haven't done any in a while and when I attempted to follow a recipe to make a High Protein Yule Log - it went really wrong for me.  I've never made a Yule Log before so I thought it would be a fun thing to bake! I did eventually create something edible but it took a few goes and some changing things around to get a final product.

I followed the recipe from Discount Supplements - The recipe has been tested many times before and has worked just fine for others, but the icing part of the recipe just wouldn't work out for me. You can find other Christmas recipes HERE

I've included the recipe for the Yule log below if anyone is interested in making it:
Click the images above to see a larger version!

The actual Yule Log sponge part of the recipe worked out really well when it was baked and it was very tasty, however, the icing just wasn't playing ball with me and I'm not sure if this was maybe because I didn't have a food processor in order to mix everything together. Like I mentioned above, the whole recipe has been put together by a baker and tested by others and they have been able to make the Yule Log Icing with no issues - it just didn't agree with me. If you try the recipe out and get the icing to work, do let me know! :)

Instead of the icing from the above recipe, I ended up using the icing part of a recipe from the lovely Cat at Cat Food Is Good For You. She has a Yule Log recipe over on her blog and had a chocolate icing that I used for mine.

The icing was made with coconut oil, dark chocolate, honey, cocoa powder, vanilla essence and a little salt(Cat's recipe HERE) - super simple ingredients and by god it was tasty! The Yule log base from Discount Supplements Recipe combined with the icing from Cat made a TOTALLY delicious Yule Log that tasted like a Bounty bar in cake form!
With the original recipe, there's around 17 grams of protein per slice, however, my finished product was only 6 grams of protein, so not exactly high protein, though I'm sure there would be a way to increase the protein like adding some protein powder to the icing recipe - I might have to experiment!

Baking the yule log has definitely made me want to start baking again and I'd like to try and turn some of my favourite desserts into healthier options or high protein options, so I'm definitely going to make more of an effort in the new year!

Discount Supplements is the UKs largest online sports supplements store and they stock everything from sports supplements, vitamins and minerals to bodycare and sports accessories.

Question: Do you like baking? What was the last thing that you baked?

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