
My word for 2016 // COMMITMENT


Happy New Year, Everyone!
At the start of every year, people go about setting new years resolutions or setting goals for the year ahead. I usually do the same - however each year, my resolution list appeared to get longer and longer with things I wanted to achieve, some of which were carried on from previous years if I hadn't actually achieved them.

This year, I've decided to try something different. Instead of having a specific list of things I want to do/achieve during the year that comes with the risk of failing and being disappointed, I've decided to set a word for the year in hopes that it will be a constant reminder and guide for everything; health, fitness, work.. life!

With that in mind, my word for 2016 is...
When I was thinking of a word that would be appropriate this year, this is the first thing that came to mind.

I haven't been committed to anything really this year, otherwise, I probably would have gotten a hell of a lot more done. I set out to do a lot of things last year and only achieved a couple of them halfheartedly(see a recap of my year HERE). This year, I want to be more committed - not just to health and fitness, but to other aspects of my life too.

I want to be committed to workout schedules and training plans - I've got a few races planned for this year, 2 of which are half marathons. I'd love to improve my speed and get some PBs this year. Sticking to a training plan and doing the runs set out should definitely help with that! but I also know that improving my strength(and gaining some muscle!) will also help a lot!

At the start of last year, I was doing home workouts and kettle bell workouts to try and gain some strength but the motivation dwindled and they became non existent. I'd like to get back into doing extra workouts as cross training to compliment running.. so being committed will help!

I'd also like to dedicate and make more of a commitment to my blog and Youtube. I have been posting on my blog every week but I probably wasn't giving it 100% and I'd like to make more of an effort this year to put out good quality content - it will help if I plan out what I want to post too and pre-write and pre-film content for the following week.

and finally, I want to commit myself more to work - maybe go on a course or get another qualification to help further my career. I don't really put too much thought into where I want to be in the future with regards to my career, which is probably stupid! So, I'm going to look into courses and qualifications and look for more opportunities within work and go further!

So, I've printed out the above commitment picture to stick on my wall as a constant reminder that I need to be committed to everything this year rather than procrastinating and not actually getting anything done! I want to make this a good year and have it full of achievements!

Thank you for all of your support last year! I hope to provide you with more and better content here on the blog this year! I hope that 2016 is an amazing year for every single one of you! 
Question: Have you got a word for the year? If not, why not pick one! Let me know in the comments below what you have/would pick! :)

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  1. I've seen others do "words" instead of goals, intentions or resolutions. I really love the idea and I love your word "commitment! Good luck in 2016.

  2. I love this so much! Way better than having a great long list. Happy new year lovely! Looking forward to following your adventures this year :) x


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