
North London Half // Training Diary // Week 5 Recap


Hello from Costa Rica! I know this post is a little late - but with the busy-ness of sorting everything out for the holiday, I didn't have time to write a post. I then didn't have any internet for the first 4 days of the holiday(or very little), so wasn't able to write one up and get it published.

I'm just gonna get right on to it and let you know what happened running wise last week!
Week 5 Training Schedule
Cross Train
Tempo(4 miles)
Cross Train
20-30 min Speed Run
9-10 miles
What I Did
Kettlebell Workout
4.6 miles
Kettlebell workout
1 mile
6.46 miles
Managed 3 runs this week, at least I managed that. However, all my runs didn't go exactly to plan.

Monday - Usual swim lesson this week - A tough one as usual. Did more front crawl drills followed by some Tumbles(I think that's what they were called anyway, pushing off the wall and then rolling in the water).

Tuesday - Kettlebell Workout - did one of the routines from the Fit Sugar website which started off with reps of 13 down to 8. I then decided to do the reps until I got to one for a longer workout. Paid for it afterwards as I had a lovely Callus on my hand which turned into a blister.

Wednesday - Went for a run with Phillips Mum - this is usually a tempo run but it ended up being more of a chatty run - surprised I still managed 10:30 min/mi pace considering we were talking a lot. Usually I'm too out of breath to talk and run when going that pace.
Thursday - Thursday was another kettlebell workout - I ended up just doing another Fitness Blender routine.

Friday - Friday was supposed to be a 20 minute speed run but it ended up just being a 1 mile sprint around the block as I was short on time. Managed 9:19 min/mi pace  which is pretty good for me considering my average is usually around 10-10:30.

Saturday - Was a rest day - unless I count the walking, which I'm not really. We had some last minute holiday bits and pieces that we needed to pick up in Cambridge, so spent most of the day away from the house.

Sunday - This was supposed to be a 9-10 mile run and ended up being 6.5 - Phillip and I were in such a rush to get everything ready for travelling up to the overnight hotel that we just had to cut it short, we usually don't run together, but Phillip hasn't been well and decided to run with me t. Not ideal that I didn't get in a longer run, but I think everything will be OK!
Week 6 Training Schedule
I didn't really want to put a table of planned runs for this week, as we have been on a tour at the beginning of the week and there hasn't been much room for planning runs. The area has been INSANELY hilly though!

My plan whilst I'm on holiday is to stick to short fast runs and some hill runs on the treadmill. That and a lot of swimming to keep my fitness up.

Now that we're in a proper hotel for the next 10 days, My schedule should be back to normal in terms of blog posts and my training diary will be back on Monday, with hopefully lots of things to tell you about I hope!

Lets see! I'm hoping the gym is good here and that there are plenty of treadmills. We'll see!

Question: Do you have scheduled runs whilst you're on holiday or just go with the flow?

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  1. I am so jealous of your holiday! I am trying to convince Matt to go on a holiday abroad this year, but so far he is having none of it. I did try to run when I went to Cyprus a few years back, but THE HILLS! And I thought Devon was a bit hilly in parts... Have a fabulous holiday!

  2. @Steph I never run outside on holiday after a bad experience with running in Dominican Republic.. went for a run with Phillip along the beach and came back to find my whole midsection back and front covered in water blisters - it's totally put me off running again for fear of getting them again. Instead I run on the treadmill in the gym.. and I think I hate that just as much, haha!

    I wouldn't have been able to run on the first few days of the holiday, the hills were so steep I couldn't even walk up them properly, haha!


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