
Monthly Stats // May '16 // New Start


It's May! I'm bringing back the Monthly Stats Posts! If you've not read my previous post on my weight gain issues, I suggest you maybe head there to find out why these posts stopped in the first place.

Anyway! This will be a place for both myself and you guys to keep track on my progress and let you know how things are going. As with the previous posts I did, I'll include a weigh in each month along with progress pictures and measurements.

So, I would usually do last weight and difference between weight since last monthly weigh in, but since it's been about 10 months since my last post, we'll skip that this time.

I weighed in this morning at 162.6 lbs. Lower than I expected to see this morning but whatever! My main focus will be on my measurements and progress pictures as the scales can be incredibly deceiving sometimes. I do still think it's important to keep track of it though, so there it is, in all it's glory.

Total lbs lost since my highest weight: 95.4 lbs - Booo.. -_-'

So,  you'll find both my progress pictures and measurements for this month. I'm not sure entirely what I will do next month as a comparison between the two but I'm sure I will figure it out, I have a month to do it! ;)

Anyway, I will be taking all progress pictures in the same place and will be taking them at roughly the same time of the day too to get the same lighting. AND I look really tanned here, I have no idea why.. I'm already starting to get shorts tan too, fabulous!

Figured it'd be good to include a section on what I intend to do for this month to get back on track. I'll be doing/changing the following to attempt to shift some weight:

- Tracking calories again on MyFitnessPal - if you're on there, you can add me laura_fat2fit.
- Continue running 3/4 times a week, swim twice a week and start my home workouts again - including kettle bells.
- Up water intake, I've got a HydrateM8 bottle with times, it says to drink 2 a day, so I'm gonna go for that!
- Try to increase fruit/veggies - having fruit as a snack instead of my regular snacks that are usually carbs or something similar ;)

That's it! Should keep me occupied! See you next month! Well.. not really, I'll have more posts going up before then.. but you know what I mean! ;)

QUESTION: Do you take measurements/progress pictures each month to track progress? How many times do you weigh in?

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  1. I take monthly progress pics and weigh/measure myself weekly. The pics are definitely the best for tracking progress as sometimes the measurements are coming down but you don't see it in the mirror! At least you can compare 2 pictures side by side :)

    Good luck Laura, you'll smash it!

    Christy x


  2. @Christy Bridge Absolutely! I used to be all about the numbers on the scale when I first started losing weight but it can be so demoralizing, sometimes the numbers don't move but there is in fact a change.. that's why I'm not so focused on that and I'll judge things based off measurements and pics!

    Thank you! I'm sure I will get there eventually, it's just tougher than I expected the second time round!

  3. Well done!
    I would like to reccomend you Fitatu new calorie counter. It's totally free. Avaliable for Android and iOS as well. Good luck !


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