
Weekly Recap #4


This week has actually been a really good week. I've done all my scheduled runs for this week and my food has been great. I've had no major issues this week and set out to do everything that I wanted - so it's been a better week than usual - find out what I got up to below!

No swimming this week as it was bank holiday and the pool closes earlier. I ran 3 times this week but didn't do any other workouts during the week as I didn't want to end up with some horrible DOMS before race day. I did a 5.7 mile run on Weds with Phillips mum, a 2 miler as a shake out run on Friday and then Run Hackney Half Marathon. I'll have a race recap for Hackney going up on my  blog in a couple of days

I bought a fitness watch this week too to keep track of all my workouts and exercises just in a single watch. Previously I had my Garmin 620 running watch and a Garmin Vivosmart activity tracker but I've bought a Garmin Fenix 3 HR that tracks everything, including cycling and swimming too - so I should be able to track my swimming at the pool during lessons which should be interesting!
Food has actually been really good this week, apart from the weekend when I was a little higher on calories than I wanted. During the week I was having salads, I've been tracking my calories again so I've been more conscious of the foods I eat and how much I'm actually eating. It's also made me think ahead a little more about what to eat during the day that fit into my calorie allowance rather than eat mindlessly, track and then find out I'm over.

So far it's been going well and this will continue into next week(for the rest of the month actually) to see if tracking will help me budge some of this weight. We'll see!

I've posted twice on the blog this week and published a new youtube video to my channel. Blog post was my usual half marathon training diary and my top 5 post workout food choices, so if you're interested in those, they're linked below. My youtube video was a run through of everything that I was wearing for Run Hackney Half Marathon this year!

Training Diary // Run Hackney // Week 5 Recap
My Top 5 Post Workout Food Choices
Run Hackney Half Marathon 2016 // What I'm Wearing

KIND Bars! - I've had these a few times in the past but they can be quite expensive. When I was in Tesco earlier this week, I found that they had some Kind Bars for 99p so I picked up a few. One of which was the Caramel Almond & Sea Salt bar.. and it's amazing! I will definitely be picking up some more of this flavour before they stop the offer! If you haven't tried Kind Bars before, I highly recommend it - unless of course you're allergic to nuts!

Here's a recap of last week:
- Hydrate! - DONE - This one was a no brainer - it's something I had to do purely because I knew it was going to be warmer and that I had a race this weekend, so hydration was a priority. I drank at least 2 700ml bottles a day.
- Eat more fruit/veggies - DONE - but could be better. We bought some Watermelon and Pineapple to slice up and have for snacks, so I've been having that during the week. We've also increased our veggie intake for our dinners too, so we're having a wider range of veggies rather than a single one.

For this week, I only have one request for myself:
Start Home Workouts - that's kettle bell workouts and just regular workouts. I want to get back into doing kettle bell workouts and start building up a bit of strength again which should compliment my running. If I can do this, I will be happy!

Here's to another good week hopefully! I am getting an early night as I'm absolutely zonked from the Half Marathon today!

Question: Ever tried Kind Bars? Do you have a favourite type of snack bar?

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