
Monthly Stats // June '16 // Too Many Birthdays..


I can't believe we're now at the half way point during the year. It's bloody JUNE! May was very hit and miss for me. The beginning of the month was fine, until my birthday hit.. and then everyone else's birthday in May - May is a busy month for birthdays so it was probably the worst time for a 'new start'. I won't dwell too much.. I'll just get straight into it!

I managed to gain just under a pound according to the scale. I'm only recording my weight but not really paying too much attention to it.

My weight has fluctuated a lot this month. My lowest weight this month was 160.8 and has gone back up over the last week or so. As I mentioned above, I've had quite a few birthdays this month which involved a fair bit of cake! That's all I will say. I enjoyed everyone's birthdays and it's now time to move on.

Total lbs lost since my highest weight: 94.6 lbs - Booo.. -_-'

So, I've decided to put the measurements and pictures side by side for comparison and you can see measurements between last month and this month.

Changes: -1 inch to the waist, 0.5 inch off the stomach and 0.5 inch off my right thigh. 

I personally don't see a difference in either of the pictures but the measurements are the ones talking. I'm happy with the inch loss on my waist and stomach considering the month I've had!

Last Months Plans:
- Tracking calories again on MyFitnessPal - I've tracked every single day since the beginning of May. I'm finding it really helpful to know exactly what I'm eating.

- Continue running 3/4 times a week, swim twice a week and start my home workouts again - If you've been reading my weekly recap posts, you'll know I definitely didn't do well on the home workout front but I've been keeping up with the running and the swimming, not spot on.. but almost!
- 16 runs, 5 swims. 0 home workouts. Boooo.

- Up water intake  - Water has been good, I've been keeping on track with 2 bottles per day.

- Try to increase fruit/veggies - Fruit and Veggies has been good too. I've been subbing more snacks for fruit instead of snack bars and it's been going well.

This Months Plans:
- Continue tracking calories - As I've mentioned, May was just a bad month due to the amount if birthdays. I'm going to continue calorie counting this month, stay on track and see what will happen this month if there are no distractions as such.

I will re-evaluate at the end of the month based on progress and I will decide where I go from there. In theory, it should be a good month as there wont be as much cake! ;)

QUESTION: What is your favourite kind of cake for your birthday? ;)

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  1. Lacey@fairytalesandfitness2 June 2016 at 01:42

    Great job on your weight loss journey. Sometimes the scale doesn't look right but you can feel the difference in the way your pants feel. I love birthday cake flavor. The kind with the sprinkles and cake pieces in it. ......yum!

  2. @Lacey@fairytalesandfitness Thank you! :) Yes, this month proved that I really shouldn't pay attention to the scale. I lost some inches but appeared to have gained on the scale! Oooh! Yummy cake choice! :)

  3. I can definitely see a difference in your legs in the second picture, keep up the good Laura. www.myeverydaytreats.co.uk

  4. You can definitely see a difference hun! Keep going :-) also, a very belated happy birthday! I always like a fruit cake, so I would pick that for my birthday.

  5. There is a difference - You are looking fab :) and I think taking measurements is so important.
    May was my birthday month also, I ate all the rich chocolate cake and duck'n'waffle, all the nut butter, chocolates and whatever else got in my path..
    Without realising I've gained 6lbs(!) over the last few months, so I'm just going to try and eat a little less cake ;)

  6. @Katie G Thanks! :) Yes, it's definitely important - especially given the scales are horrid and you can't always see the progress on yourself, especially if you see yourself everyday! I've had loads of peoples birthday celebrations in May and it's so difficult to say no to a lovely piece of cake.. I must have more restraint for leftover cake though.. It's insane how much cake I've eaten, haha!

  7. @Steph Thanks! Its difficult for me to see it on myself! Fruit cake is always great option! :) Especially with tea!

  8. @Maureen Thanks! It's difficult for me to see the difference myself, I guess that's because I see myself in the mirror everyday and wouldn't really notice small changes!

  9. You're doing well Laura! And I love that you're sharing your progress with us, it's inspired me to maybe do something similar to this. I love your attitude too, enjoy the cake or cakes and then move on! It's important not to dwell and just get on with things x


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