
Weekly Recap #8


HELLO! It's been a while! Sorry about that! Things have been absolutely mad for me the past 2 or so weeks at work and at home. I've managed to get in my exercise and relatively keep my eating in check but both my blog and my Youtube have taken a bit of a backseat which is so disappointing, I hate when it happens! Everything will be back to normal as of next week, I promise!

As I said, exercise has been OK this week.. in fact it's the only thing that's keeping me sane! So here's what I've done this week:

Mon - Swim Lesson - Since getting my Fenix 3.. I've noticed how little we actually swim in our lesson. We're constantly stopping to listen to the coach give advise, waiting for others to start their next swim etc.. we do about 600m in 30 minutes which doesn't seem a lot to me - though I'm not complaining as we're always constantly getting advise and such  to improve out technique.

Tues - Swim - 1000m - 27 mins - Fancied a little swim didn't get as much time as I wanted, but 1000m was absolutely fine!
Thurs - Run - 3 Miles - A rather warm one.. have I ever said I hate the heat? ;)

Fri - Swim -  I REALLY wanted do do a mile swim.. I totally worked out a mile into meters wrong(I guessed rather than google..) and ended up doing doing 1525m.. just 3 lengths short of a mile.. damn it!

Sat - Park Run - A muddy one at that.. it was pretty darn slippy. No improvement on time.. but that's totally fine given the course condition!

Sun - 5 Miles - I got a Go Pro as my belated birthday present from Phillip today. I'm planning on using it for filming my races and such, so I'm excited for that! It was pretty warm out for 5 miles and I definitely needed to take out a drink with me!
Surprisingly, my eating habits have been OK given the fact that I've been more than a little stressed recently! There isn't actually too much to update with on this. I'm still tracking calories, I feel as though that is really helping me stay on track at the moment.

As I said, I haven't blogged or filmed any youtube videos over the last 2 weeks which is crap.. but I've spent my weekend brainstorming for my blog and youtube and scheduled some posts for this week. Hooray for being organised!

Not food, fitness or health related.. but I've recently discovered Love Island on ITV and I cant get enough of it! I've been binge watching the episodes this weekend to catch up! I'm almost up to date!

Since its a been 2 weeks since I last did one of these posts, I don't see the point in going back and seeing what my to-do's where.. I'll just start a fresh with what I want to do this week.

Do a mile swim! - I nearly did it but I missed it - so I want to have that under my belt this week.

Start practicing front crawl more - I've got very comfortable with swimming breast stroke in the pool because it's what I'm good at. The thing is, is that I wont get any better at front crawl if I don't actually do it! So I need to start incorporating some into my swimming sessions!

So.. both swimming related.. I can't think of anything else I definitely want to work on this week.. so we will see how these go and I'm sure next week will be a bit more creative!

Hope everyone has had a fabulous weekend! Catch you again next week.. I'm off to watch some more Love Island! ;)

Question: What's your favourite TV show? Any that you've binge watched cause they're so good?

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