
Weekly Recap #9


Good Lord.. it's was one hell of a stressful week, last week for more reasons than one. I'm just gonna get straight into it.. but I'm just gonna go ahead and say that it's been a crap week, so there's not much in terms of positives..

Mon - Swim Lesson - Same as always, swam a little further than last week with my watch reporting 1050 m.. a lot of time in between swimming laps is waiting for other people to start(I'm less confident in swimming and start at the back..) and getting advice and instructions from our swim coach.. I'm actually gonna do a post on swim lessons and why I think it's a fab idea to go to them, so keep an eye out for that.

Tues - Run - 4.16 miles - A shorter run than usual - had to be in work a little earlier than usual so I cut my run shorter. Ran mostly off road and got some pretty wet feet with an underpass from the railway tracks was flooded.. yuck!

Saturday - Phillip and I went out for a run whilst we were at my dads, we took the GoPro out on a little adventure and had a tonne of fun getting used to filming with it - we both enjoyed running together and Phillip has said he wants to run with me once a week which should be nice to have some company on a run, but we will see whether he holds his word on that one.. probably not!
Sunday - Another run with Phillip, this time without the GoPro! We were supposed to be doing around 3 miles as we'd done 5 the previous day - it ended up being 5 miles again! We went on a route that we thought would be shorter than it actually was. It was really humid and horrible, my legs were pretty tired but I'm glad I got in another run, especially since I haven't run again since.

I wont dwindle on this too much.. but eating has been absolutely crap the last week or so and I'm just ready for a do over starting tomorrow. I've had a couple of things going on at work. Long story short, I was at risk of being made redundant and it was a very stressful time for me, thankfully things seem to have worked out OK. Due to that, I've been stress eating and it all got a bit out of control.

I then went up to see my parents with Phillip on Friday evening after I finished work and got back this evening. My food has consisted of meals out with family and travel food from service stations.. so as you can probably imagine, it's been pretty awful.

I'm totally ready for a better week food wise. We haven't been food shopping yet but I'm gonna get some salads I reckon!

I managed 1 blog post this week. I had another blog post scheduled for this week that needed some final touches(pictures to be more exact) and as I've explained above, situations were a little hectic this week and I just couldn't do what I needed to do. So apologies for that! Things should be more settled now I hope!

My blog post that I did manage this week is below:
Major Pet Peeves When Swimming

Haven't given much thought on this to be honest.. I'm gonna say spending time with my family after one hell of a stressful week. I don't get to see them very often so it's always really nice to see them when I can, even if it's only for a day or two. I miss them all already!

Before I get on to next weeks 'to-do', I'll recap on last weeks.. so here's what I set last wee:
Do a mile swim!
Start practicing front crawl more

A very quick no on both of these. I only did my swimming lesson last week and no other swims last week so I didn't get chance to do either of them which is slightly disappointing but totally fine given the circumstances.

What do I want to do this week? My priority is definitely getting back on track with eating this week with no crap.. I've already had enough to last me a couple of months! ;)

As I mentioned above, we haven't been food shopping but I'm gonna get some stuff for salads this week and lots of fruit to have as snacks in between.

Eating is definitely going to be my focus for this week. I really don't care about anything else! :)

Question: Do you prefer to run on your own or with someone else? Do you live far away from your family?

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  1. Sorry to hear you had redundancy fears with work and I'm glad that things worked out OK in the end. When things get stressful or busy with work that is always when I 'fall off the wagon' and my running or eating goes to pot. :( Fingers crossed for a better week this week!


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