Weekly Recap #14


This week feels like its been a bit of a lull since last week. Exercise hasn't been great this week, food has been OK but could have been better. I'm putting it down to just having an off week this week..things just haven't gone the way I wanted them to! Let's have a look shall we..

Tuesday - Swimming 1225 m - I did want to swim a bit further than this on Tuesday as I missed swimming the week before, but unfortunately, I got stuck in traffic on the way to the pool and only had 30 minutes. Still happy with the distance though. Left the pool feeling incredibly frustrated. There are people swimming that clearly dont care about pool ettiqutte. People swimming in the fast lane that are slower than people in the slow lane.. people in the fast lane that were doing one legnth and stopping at the other end for a breather.. I could go on.. but I wont!

Saturday - Open Water Swim and Park Run - Only swam 2 x 400 m laps before getting out of the water. It was raining pretty hard, something I've never experienced swimming in before so I was a bit nervous. My wetsuit velcro at the top of my suit appeared to come undone on my second lap, causing water to come into the suit and as the zip was coming down, it was hard to swim properly. My hair at the bottom of my cap to get tangled and kept tugging too.

To top it off, I also got a headache that felt a lot like brain freeze that was getting worse the more I swam - had this the last two weeks, unsure whats causing it but it hurts!

Parkrun was fine - it was raining and very sloshy out on the course but I felt OK - was rather disappointed to have come in at 31 minutes as I felt like I was going quicker but I guess the course conditions played a part and the fact that i'd swam before hand.

Sunday - 8 mile cycle - Went OK.. apart from my OH whining at me a bit! xD Think I will go out on my own from now on! Ride went smoothly, a little windy - getting used to changing gears.. but apparently changing gears too much.. I think I just need more practice and to get used to the bike more - Was getting a bit of backache and hand ache - had some suggestions to adjust seat height so I'm gonna try that and might end up getting some gloves to help with the hands!
All in all, hardly any running and a lot of things not going to plan this week.. so not too happy with this.

A few times this week, I've reached for a yoghurt or a breakfast bar over having proper breakfast like porridge this week and I don't think it's done me any favours as I've been hungrier earlier.

Lunches have been OK, though I think I've eaten too much pasta and need a bit more variety in my lunches. Dinners are same as always and the one meal of the day that is always consistently OK and needs no adjustments.

I've been snacking a bit too much this week - partly from what I mentioned above. Partly because I've fallen into the trap of eating out of bordem/stress.

I need to get some snacks that will fill me up longer too. I ended up buying some snack bars this week and found I'd be hungry not long after eating them which isn't great! I'm gonna buy some more fruit too as I haven't been getting much of it in my diet recently!

All in all, my diet needs an overhaul from next week.

I put up one new blog post this week, which you can find below if you haven't seen it.
Ergoflex Update #2 // Sleep Stats Comparison

You can of course request any blog post ideas/videos that you might want to see from me!

My final purchase before being banned from spending anymore money was a TriSuit - After much deliberation I ended up going for the 2XU Perform Trisuit. Did my first swim/run in it on Saturday and it was great. I was slightly apprehensive as I noticed it didn't have any grips on the hem of the leg and I struggle with shorts that roll up when I run so I thought this might have the same effect but the suit was really comfy and no issues with it. I'm happy with it!
Well.. last week I said I wanted to keep up my running after the Running Heroes challenge ended. However, clearly as you've seen from above, that didn't happen. I go through these phases quite often, I'm not entirely sure why. If I have a race, an event or a challenge - after it's completed, I tend to have a week off where I just want a rest from it! I'm not entirely sure why this happens - I just didn't feel like running this week!

This weeks focus will be on my eating, trying not to eat out of bordem/stress and getting back into a running routine, I don't need another week off!

Question: After a race or event, do you get straight back into training or have a rest for a few days(or a week in my case)?

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