Recap // My Word For 2016 // COMMITMENT
Before I start, Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and you've had a great start to the New year!
Way back at the beginning of last year, I changed the way I went about setting my goals/plans for the year. Instead of having a list as long as my arm of resolutions for the year(maybe a slight exaggeration, but still pretty long!), I decided to do something a little different.. and that was to chose a 'Word of the Year' that would help to guide decisions, goals and plans throughout the year.
That word was 'COMMITMENT'.
I wanted to apply the word to all areas of my life, I wanted to be more committed to my workouts and training plans, committed to my blog and my youtube channel and more committed to my work life.
So, How did I get on?
Lets just say I wasn't fully 'committed' to my word for the year. In some aspects, I was, however, in other parts I wasn't.
I did make some big commitments for work. I'm taking on a whole new project at work due to someone in the company leaving, it's frightening as it's all new but I've been totally committed to learning everything I can about it in the short amount of time that I have.
In terms of blogging, I'd say I was semi committed. Planning for my blog could have gone so much better to ensure that I had content every week, sometimes I slacked, sometimes tech issues got in the way(don't ask me about my laptop!), the problem could have been avoided with better planning and writing ahead with blog posts. Overall though, I'd say blogging was OK!
Then there's vlogging/youtube. I did OK for the first half of the year! I wasn't totally consistent with my uploads, but I had at least 1 video up a month(not great I know, but still something!). Half way through the month I kinda lost my my way slightly and I didn't do a video until November. This year, I'll hopefully get back on track with videos and post several a month. I've got a few ideas for video content I just need to get the ball rolling!
and finally fitness/training, which I think I've been the least committed to. I've really struggled with fitness this year. I have been stuck in a right rut with it. I don't quite know what has happened, but my head just really hasn't been in it this year.
With regards to fitness, way back when I was losing weight, nothing could really stop me! I was so committed to losing weight and getting to my goal weight and whilst I struggled, I never gave up!
Since surgery over 2 years ago, something changed. I can't put my finger on it but things are just not the same. I may do another post on this as it I don't want to go off track, but I gained a significant amount of weight over the space of 6-12 months post surgery and have been struggling to lose it ever since.
Training had also been pretty poor last year. Home Workouts/Kettlebell workouts became non existant - whilst I planned to do them, I never did them. I also had training plans for races all set out but never ended up following them properly.
I think I lost that commitment aspect and whilst I 'wanted' things like weight loss and fitness/running PBs, I didn't seem to want to have to put in the effort in to get them. So it was a lose lose situation. I can't get the things I want without putting in the effort to get there.
Overall thoughts on the year..
So, overall, it's half and half.. things could have been better but I'd have been surprised if everything would have been 100% perfect. I could have done with nipping my issues in the bud with fitness as I could have made so much more progress this year but I'm yet to get back to that old mindset, so I just need to figure things out.
I did do two new things this year though, so I suppose I could look at those as a positive. I started cycling and I also started open water swimming, both of which Im really proud of!
I think I'll keep this word pinned up on my wall, since this year didn't quite turn out how I'd hoped and hopefully it will serve as a simple reminder to stay committed to things that are important to me.
However, it is a new year and whilst I'd like to stay committed, it's time to chose a new word to lead me for 2017. So join me tomorrow for another blog post where I'll let you know which word I have chosen for 2017.
Way back at the beginning of last year, I changed the way I went about setting my goals/plans for the year. Instead of having a list as long as my arm of resolutions for the year(maybe a slight exaggeration, but still pretty long!), I decided to do something a little different.. and that was to chose a 'Word of the Year' that would help to guide decisions, goals and plans throughout the year.
That word was 'COMMITMENT'.
I wanted to apply the word to all areas of my life, I wanted to be more committed to my workouts and training plans, committed to my blog and my youtube channel and more committed to my work life.
So, How did I get on?
Lets just say I wasn't fully 'committed' to my word for the year. In some aspects, I was, however, in other parts I wasn't.
I did make some big commitments for work. I'm taking on a whole new project at work due to someone in the company leaving, it's frightening as it's all new but I've been totally committed to learning everything I can about it in the short amount of time that I have.
In terms of blogging, I'd say I was semi committed. Planning for my blog could have gone so much better to ensure that I had content every week, sometimes I slacked, sometimes tech issues got in the way(don't ask me about my laptop!), the problem could have been avoided with better planning and writing ahead with blog posts. Overall though, I'd say blogging was OK!
Then there's vlogging/youtube. I did OK for the first half of the year! I wasn't totally consistent with my uploads, but I had at least 1 video up a month(not great I know, but still something!). Half way through the month I kinda lost my my way slightly and I didn't do a video until November. This year, I'll hopefully get back on track with videos and post several a month. I've got a few ideas for video content I just need to get the ball rolling!
and finally fitness/training, which I think I've been the least committed to. I've really struggled with fitness this year. I have been stuck in a right rut with it. I don't quite know what has happened, but my head just really hasn't been in it this year.
With regards to fitness, way back when I was losing weight, nothing could really stop me! I was so committed to losing weight and getting to my goal weight and whilst I struggled, I never gave up!
Since surgery over 2 years ago, something changed. I can't put my finger on it but things are just not the same. I may do another post on this as it I don't want to go off track, but I gained a significant amount of weight over the space of 6-12 months post surgery and have been struggling to lose it ever since.
Training had also been pretty poor last year. Home Workouts/Kettlebell workouts became non existant - whilst I planned to do them, I never did them. I also had training plans for races all set out but never ended up following them properly.
I think I lost that commitment aspect and whilst I 'wanted' things like weight loss and fitness/running PBs, I didn't seem to want to have to put in the effort in to get them. So it was a lose lose situation. I can't get the things I want without putting in the effort to get there.
Overall thoughts on the year..
So, overall, it's half and half.. things could have been better but I'd have been surprised if everything would have been 100% perfect. I could have done with nipping my issues in the bud with fitness as I could have made so much more progress this year but I'm yet to get back to that old mindset, so I just need to figure things out.
I did do two new things this year though, so I suppose I could look at those as a positive. I started cycling and I also started open water swimming, both of which Im really proud of!
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I mean, really, Im still worlds apart from where I was 5 years ago! |
However, it is a new year and whilst I'd like to stay committed, it's time to chose a new word to lead me for 2017. So join me tomorrow for another blog post where I'll let you know which word I have chosen for 2017.
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