
Training Diary // Cambridge Half Marathon // Week 3 & 4 Recap


I managed to totally miss posting my training diary for the last two weeks! So it's about time I catch up with the last two weeks of my training before it ends up turning into 3! I'm just gonna get straight into it as it may end up pretty long!

Week 3
Boxing day - I still had a rotten cold but I'd eaten so much food and hadn't ran in a while that I knew I had to get out for a run. It was tough and it hurt my chest. Preston is such a hilly area compared to Cambs, so there were quite a few hills involved and they sucked! 3 miles done.

Rest day - after running the previous day with my cold, it really took it out on me and i couldn't muster a run again so I took a much needed rest.

Managed to muster some motivation to go out for another 3 mile run, this time at Dads, its about all I could manage. I had to stop several times to blow my nose and it just wasn't that enjoyable with a cold! I was glad I still managed to get out though!
Whats that top you ask? It's RunAroundEurope! A virtual run around Europe, it's pretty cool!
Rest -  I was travelling most of the day - does standing on a train for over 4 hours count towards exercise? No? Oh well..

Back home. A very slippy slidey 4.4 mile run - the roads were pretty much slick ice, we went down along the river instead and got wet feet with the dog. Then racked up a couple of thousand steps trying to retrieve Fred's 6month Springer Spaniel pup who has absolutely no recall. Nightmare, I was terrified we'd never get him back.. thankfully we did after running across a field to catch him! :/


New Years Day - mixed feelings about this run. Went out with Phillip and Jane and whilst it was supposed to be a 'family run' I ended up being ditched about half way in, so I wasn't too pleased. Managed 5.6 miles, I was aiming for 7 but needed a loo break so I shuffled home ;)

Week 4


Missed my morning slot to go for a run, but vowed to get out in the evening, after much  talking with myself, I managed to get out in the dark! It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Ended up doing 3 miles before heading home.
Swimming - Since I didn't have a swimming lesson on the Monday, I knew I needed to make sure I went otherwise it would have been 3 weeks with no swimming, which is horrendous. Ended up making it slightly late to the pool so did less than I wanted, but did breaststroke for 30 minutes - covering 1100m.

My first brick session! - I knew I wanted to give it a go and finally did! I did 8 miles on the Turbo Trainer and then headed straight out for a run - I've heard from several people about the 'jelly' legs after getting off the bike and it really wasn't so bad, I managed 2 miles, could have gone further but had no time. I really enjoyed it so might do it once a week!
My first parkrun of 2017! We went to Brandon Country Park which is a beautiful area. Satnav routed us the long way and had to drive down to the overflow carpark. We missed the start of the parkrun and after sprinting down the road from the car park - we managed to catch up with everyone else! parkrun wasn't too bad, I forget about the hill on the loop which is not steep but quiiite long!
In the evening, Phillip convinced me somehow to go on the Turbo Trainer. Did a 10 mile route and sort of regretted it after knowing I had a long run the next day! Oops!

Long Run Day! Had 7 miles on the cards - ended up going 7.5 which I was really happy about - the first 2 miles sucked as I warmed up, but the rest of the miles were good and I definitely had some miles left in the tank, so it was a good run and made me feel more positive about my training!

So, we're up to speed with training now! I don't think I've done too bad with training since the New Year, especially given the fact that I am STILL not 100% over my cold from before Christmas. I'm on track with my milage for the half marathon but desperately need to get in some speed runs, I just cant muster the motivation to make myself uncomfortable! ;)

Maybe a new pair of lightweight speedy shoes will help(they're already ordered and on their way!).

Question: Do you have one pair of trainers for running, or several pairs depending on the run you're doing? What brand of shoe do you love?

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