
Training Diary #7


Ugh... What a crap two weeks. I came down with a horrendous cold the weekend before last and it totally threw off my training! I was constantly coughing and had the worst sore throat.. and in a bid to try and get better faster.. I ended up taking 10 days off for rest.. though, I couldn't have exercised anyway, I was being woken up midway through the night and had horrendous sleep, I was off work and had hardly any energy for anything, You may have seen my absence on social media.

I finally started feeling better last mid way through last week, though not completely.. but I had to do something before Great North Swim at the weekend. I'll let you know what I have done last week..

Phillip and I headed to Cambridge Lido on Wednesday evening after work. It's one of Europe's Largest Outdoor Swimming Pool at 100 yards in length. I was worried I was gonna end up being more sick getting cold in the pool, but it turned out to be really good. There was an option to wear wetsuits but we just donned Tri Suits for the pool. It was preeeetty chilly when I first stepped in!

Once I got swimming, it was really great. I ended up doing 1339 yards before we got out and got dry.
I was feeling OK on Saturday morning and despite it being the day of the Great North Swim, running doesn't tend to affect my swimming performance in the slightest and our swim was at 3PM in the afternoon, so I knew I'd be OK.
We were staying with Phillips Aunty in Penrith for the weekend of the swim and the area where she lives is MEGA hilly! We did a 3 mile route which had a really steep uphill and downhill as part of the 3 mile loop.

It was hard work, I really struggled, especially as it was rainy and windy too. There are no hills in Cambridge so I really wasn't used to the incline and decline.

In the afternoon, we had the Great North Swim - We had a fair walk from the carpark to the swim event so I guess I can count that too. I will be doing a race recap on Great North Swim with more details, but it was very choppy in the water but Im stoked with my time.. keep an eye out for a blog post on that!
In the morning, we headed to Appleby Horse Fair and did a lot of walking between the car park and Appleby town center. In the evening, we went for a mini hike, I wasn't sure whether to count it but I feel as though it was quite the workout, it was suuuuuper windy and rainy! The views when we got to the top were incredible though!


So, that was it for last weeks exercise, I fully intend on getting back into training this week now that I'm back home after a 5 hour drive..yuck!

I've kinda stayed away from the scales whilst I've been sick and I weighed myself when I got back and I am NOT happy.. getting sick totally threw me off my new start in June too, so I've got to get back on it!

Getting sick sucks basically.. Hopefully I'll have a better week of training to talk about next week!

Question: How do you balance exercise and getting sick?

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  1. Oh no! I hope you're feeling better now - I'm so impressed that you managed to get in the Great North Swim (plus a practice swim and a run!) even though you're not feeling great. Make sure you're getting lots of rest!


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