
Training Diary #14


Last week was another whirlwind of a week with house hunting, thankfully, the week ended on a high and we got accepted for an offer on a house.. so I can stop worrying about the house situation and start focusing on my training again! I tried my best this week to fit in as much as I can.. and I think I had a decent week.

It is 5 weeks until Woburn Abbey Triathlon, if you're not up to speed with whats going on for me training wise, Woburn is my first triathlon and you can read up all about my goals and training plan on THIS post.

Activity: Open Water Swim | Distance: 1.25 mile | Time: 49:20 | Pace: 2:14 min/100yd
Activity: Swim Lesson | Distance: 600m | Time: 28:52 | Pace: 2:35 min/100m
Started off with an open water swim in the morning. I hadn't done any open water swimming the week before so thought it may be a bit tough. It definitely was on the arms, its funny how things can feel tough with a break. it was pretty windy out on the water too, so Im sure that was another factor adding to the tough swim. The skies were looking moody and I was sure it was gonna lash down but it held off, thankfully.

Not long after it was time for my swimming lesson. We started with 8 lengths of front crawl and then spent the rest of the lesson doing butterfly drills which is my worst ever stroke.

Activity: Strength Training | Time: 30 mins

I FINALLY did a kettlebell workout! I've been saying it for the longest time and nothing ever happened, no time like the present, though.. advanced warning.. I didn't do anymore of them this week as I had the worst DOMS for 3 days afterwards! xD

The workout itself was great through, I'm back to the lightest kettlebell I owned. I did a 28 min Bodyfit by Amy HIIT kettlebell workout. It was damn hard and I had to modify, but hopefully the more I continue, the easier it gets.. and hopefully the DOMS doesn't last so long.
Activity: Run | Distance: 2.09 mile | Time: 20:09 | Pace: 9:58 min/mi

I was short on time so went for 2 miles.. I had initially just gone out to do 2 easy miles before work but decided to make the most of it and do a fartlek training session which was pretty tough.

My legs were feeling sore from the kettlebell workout the previous day. Ran decent pace intervals between 6:30 slowing to 7:30 pace. I then jogged and walked the breaks. I'll deffo be including more of these sorts of sessions into my training.

Activity: Open Water Swim | Distance: 0.85 mile | Time: 32:15 | Pace: 2:16 min/100yd

Wasn't feeling this swim. My legs were still iffy from the kettlebell workout, I didn't expect the DOMS to last so long. my hips and groin were really tight and whiney the whole time. They also moved one of the corner buoys out on the water, so I ended up being really disorientated. Its so hard to sight with only 4 buoys in each corner!
Got out after 4 laps, put on a happy face for a selfie and then very quickly got into my Dryrobe as it was bloody freezing!

Activity: Cycle | Distance: 36 miles | Time: 2:10:08 | Pace: 16.6 mph

Phillip has the Monster Triathlon coming up soon as I agreed to do the bike route with him as practice. I was a little apprehensive as it's a long old route compared to what I'm used to and especially compared to the mileage I've been doing lately.
The monster route is 24 miles but there was another 12 miles added on to get to the actual route. There were a few hills thrown in which I am really bad with and part of the route was really windy but overall I'm really proud of the distance I did and maintaining a decent pace.

Question: Any recommendations for relieving DOMS?

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  1. Hey Laura! Congrats on that kettlebell workout! I haven't done many of those in my life but I know they're effective so I totally understand you & the DOMS lol. At least you started! Loved getting to take a peek into your training diary :))


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