
Monthly Stats // September '17


Ugh... I thought I'd have something more positive to say for this months stats post but I really don't. Finding a house to rent before the end of August really turned things upside down for us. We found a house and went through the referencing process but now we've got the job of buying everything that needs to go inside, we've also had countless trips for paper work signing and trips up to the house for deliveries, so it's really messed things up both training and nutrition wise this month.

It's been intense to say the least and I cant wait to just have it over and get moved in. Anyway.. I'll recap measurements for this month anyway, though they're not great.

Expected. Training has slacked and nutrition has not been at all ideal with us travelling between places. I really need to keep more of an eye on nutrition when we're really busy. Need to get on the meal planning for when we travel. We do now have a fully working kitchen so we've no excuse really!

Last Months Weight: 162.6 lbs
This Months Weight: 163.4
Difference in Weight:  + 8 lb
Total lbs lost since my highest weight: 95.6 lbs

No change in measurements. I definitely didn't expect any changes either. I really hoped for some..but it really wasn't meant to be this month and thats OK. NEXT!

OK, so to recap on last months plans, I wanted to try and incorporate some strength training into my routine, which WAS going well and I did two this month.. which doesn't sound like a lot but it's totally a start.

I also really wanted to get into the 150s this month but we know from the beginning of this post that that never happened.

I have my first triathlon next week and after that I actually have no other races planned. Open water season ends and we will be moving into our new place at the start of next month so I don't currently have another leisure center to join. This does give me a bit of spare training slots to dedicate to some strength training in place of some of my triathlon training sessions.

I also have my holiday coming up at the end of the month, so ideally I'd like to keep the weight where it is or lower before I travel AND maintain it whilst I'm on holiday.

I dont think it's too much to ask. I just really have to nail down the nutrition! Lets see how it goes!

If you want to check out my previous Monthly Stats Posts, you can find them all HERE.

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  1. Any stresses or changes to routine can pay havoc with diet & fitness! Good positive targets for September and good luck with your triathlon


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