My Running Playlist


I've had this post saved as a draft for months on end, I was slowly filling up with a list of my favourite running songs.. and when I came back to review and post, the songs were out of date and no longer my favourites.

Since getting my phone back, I've been running with music again in the morning and boy have I missed it!

I was struggling with a motivation to run, partly because the weather had been so miserable that I was restricted to running one route round the houses. My second issue was that I had the reaaaally bad loan phone from when my phone was in for repair and I wasn't able to listen to music.

I find that music seems to make the runs go by SO much faster. That, and depending on the songs I have, I tend to actually run faster too.

When you have more upbeat running tracks, your feet kinda go with the music (or at least for me) and I find if I have a really energetic playlist, I tend to run faster.

It's all about the BPM of the song, and usually, my feet are in time with the beat of the music and therefore, the faster the BPM of the song, the faster my feet tend to go.

I've compiled a list of my current running playlist, songs that are upbeat and make me feel happy during my runs. This isn't all of my favourite songs, only a select few. Funnily enough, most of them are also in the charts or have been recently (atleast here in the UK).
Question: Whats your current favourite song? Do you run/workout with music?

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  1. Great playlist, I will add some of your songs to mine. I like Chris brown - Don't wake me up, DJ Khalid - all I do is win and anything with Zedd & Avicii


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