
Time To Re-Focus


Long Time, No Talk!

I apologized in a tweet the other night about being pretty absent both here on the blog and on social media. I think every blogger goes through a phase where they just feel like they need a break. I think I was getting to that point. I was having a total brain fart with regards to inspiration for posts and I just needed to step back from it - It came at the perfect opportunity when I went on holiday for two weeks.

Whilst I was away, it gave me time to think about what I want to be doing with my blog and actually got the cogs turning on the types of posts that I want to do here and the type of content that I want to output.

It's time to Re-Focus.

I know that I need to be more 'vocal' on my social media channels.

My Instagram became a hub for Yoga pictures and hardly anything else, I'm going to change things up a bit and post different aspects of health and fitness, not just yoga.

I really want to work on Facebook content too, I feel like the only thing that ever goes on there are the photos shared from Instagram and links to my blog posts. It would be nice to interact with everyone a bit more so I will be working on that!

Youtube and my Blog is where I've been struggling most for inspiration on posts, like I said, I was having a total brain fart with regards to content ideas! Whilst I've been on holiday I've been collating a bunch of ideas for my blog and Youtube that should keep me going for a while, it's amazing what a little time away can do!

I quite enjoyed doing the vlog style video and I always like watching those types of videos, so there may be some of those going up on my YT every so often to keep people in the loop of my everyday life.

Now that I'm back also means that it's crunch time for running too. Thankfully, the extra rest on holiday has allowed me to get back to normal. I don't seem to have any leg twinges at the moment and fingers crossed they stay at bay. I have 12 weeks until the Great North Run Half Marathon so I'm starting my training this week. I do want to include some sort of training update every week here on the blog to keep everyone updated with my runs, how I'm feeling etc, so keep your eyes peeled for that!


So, there's going to be a few changes with regards to everything and I should have more content coming out of my blog here. I'm aiming for at least 3 blog posts each week, if there's more that's totally OK but I don't want to drop any lower than that. The aim with YT is that I stick to 1 video a week.

I have to be realistic about my aims, the fact is, I have a full time job that takes up a lot of my time and I don't want to set targets I just can't stick to, so we will see how this goes first! :)

Question: Is there any particular posts you'd like to see from me here on my blog/YT? Any posts that you like more than others that you'd like me to continue doing? Please let me know!

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