
Monthly Stats // July // Weigh In, Measurements & Progress Pics


Hey Everyone! Happy 1st 2nd of July!

I've been SO ridiculously busy since I got back from Holiday.. I hardly feel like I have time for everything. I'm trying to be more organised so I have more time to do everything!

Last month went by SO quickly, partly due to my holiday taking up two weeks of it! I didn't know what to expect for this months stats due to everything going on this month but knew to take it with a pinch of salt, whatever happened.

Last Weight: 156.4 lbs

Today's Weight: 155 lbs

Loss/Gain This Month: -1.4 lbs

Total Weight Loss: 102.8 lbs
Things seem to be moving! Which is all good in my books. I've been doing quite a lot of exercise, both on holiday and back at home which could have contributed to it. I did A LOT of swimming on holiday and since I've been back from holiday, I've been swimming, cycling & of course I've started Half Marathon Training again.. So I'm in full swing!


Last Months Measurements:
Neck: 12 | Chest: 32 | Waist: 28 | Belly: 35 | Hips: 36
Left Bicep: 11.5 | Right Bicep: 12 | Left Forearm: 9 | Right Forearm: 9
Left Thigh: 23 | Right Thigh: 23 | Left Calf: 15.5 | Right Calf: 16

Changes this month:
Left Thigh: 22.5 - Down 0.5 inch | Right Thigh: 22.5 - Down 0.5 inch

I didn't expect any inch loss this week.. but I suppose 0.5 for each leg is great! Especially since it's one of the areas that I would like to work on. Progress is Progress.. Lets see what next month brings.

Every progress picture I take now looks the same as the last. Obviously, the difference here is that I have a tan rather than being pasty white.. but other than that, I personally don't see any changes.

The only changes I've noticed, that actually don't show on these pictures is the definition in my back. After swimming a lot on holiday and going to the gym, I feel like I've really got some definition in my back and Phillip has noticed too. I'm pretty happy about that.


So, now that exercise has been ramped up, I'm walking and cycling and now doing half marathon training, I'm hoping that I make more progress during the month. I do want to try and get back into my home workouts and get in some kettlebell/body weight workouts to try and build some muscle but at the moment, whilst Phillips mum is on holiday, I literally have no time for anything else.

So I'll be starting those around mid-way through July - but you'll see updates on my blog posts anyway when I do start them again.

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