
Sum It Up.. Sunday!


Hi Everyone! Happy Sunday! I hope you've all had a great week/weekend!

HOW HOT has it been this week?! I've definitely been suffering, especially with sleep! Our room has been ridiculously hot. I've been struggling with time management this week too since I'm house and dog sitting, so everything has been all over the place.

Swimming - I had my swim lesson this week - I hadn't been in 3 weeks. It went really well! The swimming on holiday got me in a lot of practice and I've finally got the hang of bilateral breathing. I still need to work on my breast stroke technique.

My swim coach actually told me that I need to move up to the advanced class so I will be going in at the 9:30 session rather than 9 pm - I joined the advanced class after my usual class on Monday and seemed to cope OK, was just mega tired! I'm nervous for my first official class tomorrow though! hopefully I will be able to keep up with the others!

Cycling - I went  on the bike 3 time this week. Me and Phillip did 13 miles on Monday, 16.2 on Thursday and 36.76(what the F!) miles on Saturday. It was hot out and we didn't want to be stuck in the house so we went for a bike ride at a nearby town at a nature reserve. We didn't expect to be going out for 36 miles.. but we ended up taking a wrong turn and went off the cycle route.. and obviously didn't realise straight away ;)

Walking - I've still been doing quite a lot of walking this week. I'm still taking the dog out in the morning and the evening and going walking during lunch breaks.

Running - I did 4 of my planned runs for this week as part of my Half Marathon training. I'll have a post out tomorrow with more detail on my runs(if you're interested in that kind of thing of course)

Yoga - I started a new challenge for this month with Sweaty Betty! It actually makes a change from the usual Alo Yoga challenge that I've been doing. I've been trying to venture out of my comfort zone and take my pictures outside.. be more scenic and all that Jazz. It's been going well thus far! It's only been 5 days.. ;)

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Food seems to have been all over the place this weekend and the weather and my increase in exercise has played a part in that. I've gone from feeling SO hungry one minute and snacking a lot to having hardly any appetite and not wanting to eat anything at all.

The good thing is that my food choices have at least been healthy choices. A lot of fruit to cool myself down, Nakd bars. I found some Frozen Yoghurt(Yoo Moo) ice lollies in Tesco the other day, so I've been having those too.

Salads has been the norm in the morning and in the evenings, we've either been having another salad or very small meals.

Plan For Next Week
Since Phillip's Mum has been on holiday, I've been struck for time. I've managed with my blog posts and my exercise/training, however, I've no time for much else. Youtube is having to take a back seat at the moment. I will return to it after Phillip's mum gets back and I've got more time on my hands to be able to plan and film without worrying if I've done a good job.

I was working on a new template for the blog last week and I couldn't get it working correctly. I've had to start on a new one, which is coming along nicely. I just don't want to have it uploaded with errors so it's taking a bit longer than I thought. I've got to finish the last final touches so you'll see a new layout here in the blog either tomorrow or Tuesday!

I cant really plan for much else, purely because I know next week will be just as busy this week and I just don't have the time to fit in everything that I need. Once Phillips Mum is back from holiday I'll have more free time to do what I want. I hope this week goes fast...


In case you missed it, here is a blog post I wrote this week:

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