Summary Sunday



Monday - REST
Tuesday - REST
Wednesday - 40 mins cross trainer, 20 mins stationary bike, cool down walk
Thursday - 35 mins cross trainer, 20 mins incline walking
Friday - 35 mins cross trainer, 20 mins incline walking.
Saturday - 6.82 mile run - Gym 10 mins cross trainer, 20 mins bike and strength on arms.
Sunday - 8.11 mile run

5 workouts this week... Not bad. Pretty happy with 5 workouts.. Had pretty good runs over the weekend, felt better than last week with my legs, not suffering so much with my knees but they're still not 100%.

I'm hoping to start running during the week when it gets lighter and my days off from the gym..

I have no excuse to run when there is bad weather any more . I've been out plenty of times over the last few weeks where its been totally crap weather. Especially today.. it was snowing and it was muddy.. not good.

Food has been good this week, better breakfasts, better snacking, mostly healthy meals, getting my veggies and fruits in for the week.

Slipped slightly at the end of the week as I made a birthday cake for my boyfriends brothers 18th and I may have had a slice or two.. ;)  Its not going to harm me much (or at least I hope not!)

Goals for this week:
My goals for last week were to..
1) Again.. Eat a proper breakfast..
2) Find and cook/bake 1 healthy meal and dessert this week
3) Improve overall running including better breathing, better stretching after running.

Cracked 2 goals this week. Breakfast was MUCH better. I brought porridge from home to work and now have that in the mornings, it keeps me fuller for longer and doesn't make me feel starving all the time. I will continue this next week.

My running is improving, I'm not as out of breath, gaining more stamina and endurance, working on my breathing. I am doing proper stretching routines that I will touch on in another post, they're really helping along with the exercises to strengthen my legs and knees.

Now.. goal 2.. not so good, I baked this week, but it wasn't healthy.. I made a birthday cake.. not healthy, I made cookies, not healthy.. I did make a banana loaf which is FAIRLY healthy but still not the best.. So yeah... not so good on this one.

With that in mind, my goals for next week are:
1) Find and Bake something HEALTHY/HEALTHIER
2) Drink more water.. you were slacking last week.

Sometimes, I struggle to come up with 3 goals for the week so I am just going to make this part to be as many goals as I feel is necessary.. some weeks will have more or less goals than others. if I stuck to 3, I'd just be making something up to try and achieve with no actual point to it.. so just 2 goals this week.. 

Lets see how it goes.

Weigh in tomorrow, hopefully a loss!

I hope everyone has had a good weekend, Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers out there! x

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