
April + May Recap


I didn't even do a recap for April. It must have slipped my mind.. and by the time I remembered, it was just too late to post it so I guess I'll try and remember anything I did in April and roll the two into one.

In all honesty, I don't remember much about April except running, I was training my arse off for the half marathon, doing my long runs consistently on the weekends.

As far as weight loss goes.. I lost 2.4 lbs in the month of April.. and 2 lbs for the month of May.

Granted, I can't be far off my goal weight.. and therefore the weight is going to come off slow as hell now.. I think I'm doing alright weight loss wise, I'm content with my progress on it.

Measurements is tomorrow, I guess I will see how content I really am after I I take my measurements so stay tuned for that!

Now.. May..

Its been a decent month.. I had the Half Marathon mid-way through the month.. I'm still incredibly proud of what I have achieved from that.

This month has also been the month of birthdays.. there have been four.. I repeat FOUR birthdays in the space of 2 weeks. Mine, Phillips' Mum, Her Partner and Phillips Brother. All of which includes some slip-ups due to cake and celebrations getting involved.

There have also been two birthdays at work this past week.. Both of which had cakes brought in... and I caved... Like I'd not had enough already!

Next month I really need to knuckle down. My holiday to the Dominican Republic is in 3 months.. I want to make the effort to look a little better for it!


What are you looking forward to in the month of June?!

Laura x

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