
Summary Sunday


Happy Sunday, Everyone! 

I will apologise in advance for the terrible formatting on this blog for this post and maybe a couple more this week.

My laptop went caput over the weekend and it is in for repair so I don't have my normal program's for editing.

Anyway! On to this weeks summary..

Monday - Focus T25 Week 1 Day 1 - Cardio
TuesdayFocus T25 Week 1 Day 2 - Speed 1.0
Wednesday - 3.03 mile run & Focus T25 Week 1 Day 3 - Total Body Focus
Thursday - 4.1 mile run & Focus T25 Week 1 Day 4 - Ab Intervals
FridayFocus T25 Week 1 Day 5 - Double Workout Friday - Lower Focus &Cardio
Saturday - 6.15 mile run
Sunday - 5.83 mile run & Focus T25 Week 1 - Stretch Day!

Dd my usual 4 runs this week and also started T25 which my boyfriend had which I was too scared to start. The workouts are killer and they make me sweat more than I ever have since I've been on this journey.. But more on that in another post.

Overall a good week for workouts, pretty consistent lately at making sure I'm active everyday.

Not bad, could be better.. But it's much better than it has been. We've been eating cleaner and are now slightly addicted to sweet potato chips baked with a little olive oil. We've still been having the meals that we love but have been substituting things in them for healthier choices such as sausages in our pasta for cooked chicken slices.

My downfall is most definitely still the weekend. During the week is almost perfect, I'm having clean lunches, snacks are under control and dinners have been great.. The fact that I'm at home nearly all day on Saturdays and Sundays means that I have access to dreaded snacks in the house and I tend to eat more over the weekend.

I need to get this under control. I've always said that I'd never restrict myself of anything and I will continue with that.. But maybe I need to keep myself busier so I don't snack or eat as much over the weekend.

Goals for Last Week:

None. I'm sorry for missing out on this post last week. I was out a majority of the day stressing and shopping for holiday clothes that it completely skipped my mind until the next day and it was too late then.

Goals for Next Week:

1) Try to make myself busier on the weekends, reduce the amount of snacking.

I don't think I need to say much else on this, it was all explained above.

2) Pre-write blog posts for the next week..

I have plenty of ideas floating round in my head at the moment for blog posts, they're all currently saved as drafts, but I never get round to doing them. With the goal above in mind, I'm gonna keep myself busier on the weekends writing posts for the next week.

3) Drink More Water

Sigh. You and Me both are getting sick of me putting this goal on here. I seem to do well for a while with my drinking and then completely slack on it. It isn't just a couple of days thing.. It needs to be a routine in my life from here on out. I will stick to it this time. 

Glass of water when I get up. Glass of water when i get to work. Glass of water before each meal. Glass of water before bed. Water before during and after workouts.

I can count the 8 daily glasses of water i need right there. It's not hard. I just don't do it.

Aaaand that's it for this week.

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Until tomorrow.. For weigh in! Dun..dun..duuuuuuunnn... ;)

I'm sure I've asked this one before.. But.. 

Any tips for remembering to get your water in during the day?

Laura x

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