
What I Ate Wednesday #5


Happy Hump Day, Everyone!

I almost didn't get this post up in time. I've been having some real issues with my laptop recently and I was doing everything I could not to use my Ipad to publish a post as its horrible to edit.

Welcome to another What I Ate Wednesday!

Doing it a little different this week compared to my other posts I've done previously. Just a collage of all my eats in one picture and I'll let you know the details of what I ate underneath.

So without further ado..

Breakfast: Dorset Cereal's - Proper Porridge with 150ml of Semi Skimmed Milk. Topped it with some Special K Clusters Chocolate that I mixed in for some added crunch.
Lunch: A Warburton's Square Wrap with Tuna (in spring water, drained) with some Lemon and Black Pepper Seasoning.
Dinner: Chicken Breast with Morrocan Spices(mixed with a little Olive Oil and Lemon Juice), Sweet Potato Fries(baked in the oven with a little Olive Oil and some Black Pepper) and some Petis Pois.
Snacks: A Graze Herby Bread Basket Punnet, a Homemade Muffin and 2 Mikado Sticks.
Drinks: Options Hot Chocolate and a Cup of Tea, along with usual glasses of Water throughout the day -  And another cup of Tea whilst I'm writing this blog post ;)

Total Cals: Around 1800-ish

I enjoyed my food today. Originally, the muffin was not planned, however, Phillip's Mother had a summer feast do at her work and she brought back treats for us to try. I could resist, but chose not to ;)

I'm really enjoying the dinners that we have been making recently. We have an abundance of Chicken Breast, so we are buying different spices to marinade the chicken. I'm loving sweet potato fries, the best variation of Sweet Potato that I've tried so far.

That's it for today's eats. I have a 'team lunch' next week that I am going to use for next weeks post. I will try to make my choices 'healthy' or as much as I can make it healthy.

Do you like Sweet Potato? What Variations do you like best? As fries, mash or just plain baked?

Laura x

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