
A bit of news and my plans..


That's all the news I have and very exciting news for me. It was a total surprise, everything was planned and very romantic. I couldn't have asked for it to be anymore perfect than it was.

I'm back from my holiday. The internet was poop, we had it for a couple of days and I didn't get to blog at all whilst I was out there.

They had scales at the hotel. I did go to the gym on the first day and it was SO humid in there that I never went again. There was no AC, it was horrid.

I got sunburnt that hurt enough to make me completely avoid wearing any sports bra or bras for that matter so I didn't workout for a while. I went running along the beach when I was feeling less sore.. And I ended with horrible water blisters all over my body.. It was disgusting and put me off running again.

After that, I just did water running around the pool which turned out to be a really good workout for me. Better than swimming as I dislike swimming.. I'm not very confident in the water.

I did keep an eye on my weight but it didn't stop me from gaining. I didn't want to restrict myself from foods so I did eat what I liked. I haven't checked my weight for more than a few days and I'm going to out it off and weigh in officially on Monday as usual.

Which brings me on to my next subject. I have made the decision that I will probably not lose anymore weight now and I will be moving on to maintaining my weight once I get down to my pre-holiday weight and try too stick around the 135 lbs mark.

I'm going to focus on trying to gain some lean muscle mass in the hopes of losing the extra flabby bits and toning up a little.

I'm going to try and cut out some of the sugar I'm eating. I don't say all because it's near impossible for me to just go cold turkey on it but I will reduce it bit by bit.. Cutting out biscuits, chocolate etc maybe eventually I will be able to cut it out completely but not just yet.

I'll be trying to cut out processed foods and white foods such as white bread, pasta, rice and replace them with whole grains.

Hopefully these changes will make a difference.

I'm not entirely sure what I am going to do exercise wise yet. I think I may restart the T25 over again and give it my all and I also want to start practising yoga. I've always wanted to get into yoga.. And I'm pretty sure I've mentioned it here on my blog too I've just never got around to it.

That's about it for my updates. I'll have more time to focus on my blog now.. I've nothing else to keep me busy except for work.. 

Do you do yoga? How did you start?

Do you have any tips on how to reduce sugar intake other than gradually doing it?

Speak to you all soon!

Laura x

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