
Sum It Up.. Sunday!


Hi Everyone! Happy Sunday, I hope you've all had a great week/weekend!

I've had more than a productive week this week.. In fact.. I hardly feel like I've stopped to do anything this week!
Yoga - Yoga is still very much in the picture and won't be disappearing any time soon. The challenge that I was doing this month has ended today so I need to very quickly find a new one that I will do for June. Plus, like I mentioned last week, I will be in Egypt as of next Sunday so it will give me an opportunity to snap some beach yoga pics which should be fun!

Home Workouts - Home workouts have still been going well. Kettlebells is still a keen favourite of mine and I've been trying out different kettlebell routines from Youtube. Fitness Blender still continues to be a good source of workouts for me and I've also found some great workouts from Tone It Up that I've been trying.

Cycling - I should have done this a long time ago but I have finally started to incorporate some cycling into my routine, partly because I STILL cant run(which is incredibly frustrating) and I wish I'd started earlier. Cycling doesn't put as much pressure on my calves like running does so I've been able to go out and cycle 10-15 miles without any issues. 
Walking - ALOT. As you know if you read my summary post from last week. I started the Global Corporate Challenge again this week on wednesday and I have been ramping up my steps for this challenge. So far I've been averaging around 24k steps(which includes a conversation for biking miles). Steps alone I've probably been averaging around 18k. 

This is why I've been hella busy this week. I've been doing so many workouts, walking and cycling this week that I haven't had a lot of time to sit down and do much at all. the competitiveness of GCC should die down soon and I should be able to lower my step count but I'm hoping that the ramp up in exercise and activity will help with losing some weight too.

I've continued to have a pretty good week food wise. I've been having good, full-filling breakfasts including bran flakes and protein pancakes. For lunches I've been sticking to salads as they're healthy and relatively low in calories rather than having a big lunch. Dinners are the same as always, nothing every changes with that.

Snacking has been great this week. I've stayed away from any crisp and biscuit type snacks and I've been eating Nakd Bars/Nibbles and other bars that are VERY similar to these, they're just packed with fruit and seeds which is great. I also managed to pick up some low calorie popcorn in Tesco the other day which is pretty great. I do enjoy some good popcorn. The Sweet Coconut and Vanilla flavour from Propercorn is freakin' delicious!
I've also been having Muscle Mousse after workouts for a great protein boost and to fill me up in the evenings.. plus it tastes amazing which is a bonus!

Plan For Next Week
So, my leg still hasn't been feeling any better this week, so I took another week off. I'll also be taking next week off running too which will make it 4 weeks without a run. I'm going to try a spot of running whilst I'm on holiday(on the gym treadmill) and see what I can do. In the meantime, I'm just going to continue with the home workouts, cycling and walking for next week.

For next week, I'm going to be strict on calorie counting. Since seeing my surgeon and his must for me getting back to my pre-surgery weight, I need to figure out what is causing the stall. I should have had some sort of movement on the scale during this year and I haven't. I'm going to monitor to my eating habits this week and track every single thing that passes my lips to see exactly what I'm eating, to see whether maybe I'm eating more than I thought I was calorie wise.

I'm going to give the doctors a tinkerbell too, to see whether or not my contraceptive implant could be causing my weight maintenance. I might have to have a blood test for my Thyroid to check whether everything is working as it should.. just to rule it out.. so I've got a busy week ahead of getting everything sorted.

It's the first of the month tomorrow too, so of course, as usual I'll be doing my monthly stats post with measurements, progress pictures etc.. so keep your eyes peeled for that.


In case you missed it, here are the blog posts post (-_-) I wrote this week:

As I said, I've had a very busy week of workouts and the like this week and I've not had chance to film a video for my channel this week. I am hoping that tomorrow I will be able to do some sort of vlog style video and show you a day in the life type thing with all the stuff I would usually do in a day including workouts etc. As long as everything goes to plan, I'll start editing that tomorrow evening and it should be up before the middle of the week!

I hope you all have a great week next week and are looking forward to the month of June! This year is literally flying by.

Question: Do you have anything exciting planned for June?

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