
Sum It Up.. Sunday!


Hi Everyone! Happy Sunday! I hope you've all had a great week/weekend!

This week has been ridiculously busy! I thought it would ease off this week but nope! I've still had so much to sort out this week. We've done a clean out on the house and got rid of lots of crap we didn't need so it ended up eating away from my computer time xD

Cycling - Went out two this week on the bike, was supposed to go out at the weekend but we just didn't have any time to fit one in! we did a 12.5 miler and a shorter 6.5 miles.

We went along the river into town on the first bike ride - and its SO scary cycling on the roads in town, I'm really not used to it! - I also need to get a helmet! Just in case, y'know..

Walking - As long as GCC is still running, I'll still be walking. I've been walking the dog in the morning and evening as usual - I've been a bit slack this week with my lunch time walks as I've had so much on at work! Hopefully going to get into work a little earlier to have a longer break at lunch!

Running - As per my training schedule, I've done my 4 runs for this week. Training is going really well. I'm still updating weekly on my blog, check out Week 1 and Week 2

Swimming - I had no need to be nervous last week. I seemed to cope OK in my first advanced lesson this week and I'm super proud of being able to keep up with her instructions. I just need to work on stamina with swimming as I am still SO out of breath trying to do consecutive lengths. I think during the summer time, the lessons aren't so busy as there has still only been two of us in the lessons - which is actually pretty perfect as the coach can give use pointers more often!
Yoga - I have been doing the yoga challenges as per normal this week, but I've been a lot more slack with it. I usually try to make sure that I do AT LEAST 5-10 minutes on the mat - I haven't been doing that this week and I've definitely noticed a difference in my mood. It's crazy how 10 minutes on the mat can help me feel so much more relaxed and NOT stressed. I've only been getting on my mat to do the yoga poses this weekend nothing else. - Must get onto the mat more this week!

Lets get real here for a second. As you'll know by now.. I don't sugar coat things and I can say that my food has been pretty crap this week. I went off the rails for all the wrong reasons.

As I've mentioned, I've had SUCH a hectic week this week, both at work and at home and that's certainly affected my food choices. I was either forgetting lunch or not having enough time to go and get lunch.. and I've resulted to having a packet of crisps and a biscuit(I know, I know!)

I've been snacking a lot more out of stress this week too and it all got a little out of hand - thankfully, Phillips mum is back tomorrow which will free up a lot more time to focus on me.

Plan For Next Week
So, last week I mentioned that I was working on a new template, that is now up as you may have noticed. I'm particularly fond of it. It took me a while to get things configured the way I wanted it - I'm working on a nicer header but I like the simplicity of it(let me know what you think!)

For this week, I want to spend a bit more time on the mat for some yoga, like I was doing previously. Like I mentioned, it's crazy how NOT doing it had affected my mood so drastically and the more I practice and get on the mat, the easier it should become to do poses(in theory) and the stretches will be helpful for recovery after runs.

My next focus is definitely eating. After a bad week this week, I need to get it back under control. I've got lunches sorted for next week so that shouldn't be too much of an issue. I'm going to pop to Tesco or something tomorrow morning and pick up some fruit that I can have as snacks during the day at work.

Fingers Crossed that I'll have a better week this week. I'll be making time to focus on me and get back on track with everything this week.

In case you missed it, here is a blog post I wrote this week:
Great North Run - Training Diary - Week 2

Question: How/What do you do to recover from a bad day/week?

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  1. Hey Laura,
    Glad to hear your swimming is going good, I really need to take up lesson's as I cannot swim.
    If I have a bad week, I always get really motivated to change things round for the following week, so I normally forgive myself and do better the following week.
    Have a good week

  2. @Maureen You really should! It doesn't take too long to get used to the basics and it's actually become something I look forward to rather than something I dreaded.

    I feel the opposite when I have a bad week but I'm trying to change it into a more positive and motivating thing - previously, when I had a bad week.. I let that affect my mood rather than just brushing it off and starting a new week - Im getting better!

    Hope you're having a great week! x

  3. @Maureen You really should! It doesn't take too long to get used to the basics and it's actually become something I look forward to rather than something I dreaded.

    I feel the opposite when I have a bad week but I'm trying to change it into a more positive and motivating thing - previously, when I had a bad week.. I let that affect my mood rather than just brushing it off and starting a new week - Im getting better!

    Hope you're having a great week! xx


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