
Great North Run - Training Diary - Week 3


We're back again for my week 3 recap! - This week has been mega busy as you might have been able to tell from yesterdays post. However, I'm really trying to make sure that my training isn't affected by my busy life as I really want to make sure I do it properly and reduce risk of injury.

Week 3 Training Schedule
4 Miles
3 Miles
3 Miles
6 Miles
What I Did
4 Miles
3 Miles / 6.4 Mile Bike Ride
12.54 Mile Bike Ride
3 Miles
Walking, Baby Sitting
6 Miles

As you can see, I didn't have a pace run this week. It alternates each week between a normal run and a pace run - which is fine by me.

I've probably mentioned this before.. but if I haven't, I'm aiming to just get round the Great North Run, just like I did with Run Hackney. Injury has/is setting me back slightly from being able to run at my full potential. I'm not able to run much faster than 10:30 min/mi which sucks, considering I used to be able to run at 9:30 min/mi. If I try to go any faster, it becomes uncomfortable for my calf and I'd rather keep things steady than make things worse.

Obviously, I'd like to try and get as close to my last PB time as possible - that's 2:18. If I can even beat that by a minute I would be over the moon.

So, I did all my scheduled runs for this week. Sundays run was probably the suckiest run for this week. I babysat the night before until 3 am - didn't get back home and in bed till 4 am.. so I was tired. I ended up running cross country to have a change of scenery - its along a public footpath and gives me exactly a 6 mile route from my house, all the way round and back. Unfortunately, it ended up being RIDICULOUSLY overgrown so my pace ended up being a lot slower than usual.

then for cross training, I had my swim Monday, 2 bike rides during the week and plenty of walking in between which seems to be working well. If I can, I'm going to see if i can fit in some home workouts like abs to help strengthen my core as I know that can help with running too.

Week 4 Training Schedule
3 Miles
4 Miles PACE
3 Miles
7 Miles

So.. I'm not sure how this week is going to pan out.. I have a 6 mile race this weekend, I'm doing the Great Newham London Run(formerly known as the National Lottery Run) - so I definitely wont be doing the scheduled 7 this week - but I'm hoping that since I'm doing a race instead, it should even out.

I'm not entirely sure WHAT you're supposed to do leading up to a race if you're already on a training plan.. should I still keep all of my scheduled runs for this week even though I have a race this weekend or do I need to rest prior to running? Please let me know if you have any suggestions! I'll take to twitter and I'm sure the #ukrunchat peeps can help me out too!

Either way, I'm sure you'll find out what I ended up doing next week anyway! :)

Question: Runners, do you have any races coming up soon? Anyone running Great Newham?

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  1. Derrick Johnson15 July 2015 at 17:15

    Hi. You should be tapering for your race on Sunday. You can stick with your schedule but reduce milage, so you're fresh for your race. Have a great race.

  2. @Derrick Johnson Thanks for the advice :) Have a great day!

  3. Love how you've stuck to this religiously_do you find you've lost lots of weightthrough all the training? That puts me off as I want to gain a bit of weight!

  4. @globetrotterjen Thanks :) I haven't lost any weight whilst training - training actually makes you feel really hungry and I tend to eat more - so I'm more or less maintaining :)


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