
Monday Weigh In


- 2.6 lbs
-13.6 lbs since January 1st.
-120.6 lbs since starting weight.

Current Weight: 137.6


A loss this week. I was secretly hoping for one.. But also knew that I would have to have lost something this week.

I've been totally committed to the #nochoctober challenge going on on Instagram. I've not had any chocolate at all, I've not had any biscuits or cakes or sweets.. In exception of the dessert that I had on Saturday and tonight because they are family nights and it would be totally weird if I said no. I only had small portions though.

So, other than my reduction on sweet treats, I've kept to my regular exercise routine.

I just want the holiday weight shifted and then I'm gonna transition to maintainence.

So it's been a good week and a good start to this week. It's put me in a good mood. Now to continue at it. :)

Anyway! Until next time! 

Laura x

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