What I Ate Wednesday #9
Happy Hump Day, Everyone! I hope everyone is having a great week! The weeks are really flying by recently!

Without further ado.. Lets see what I ate today!
Breakfast: Dorset Porridge Oats topped with a handful of Crunchy Nut Granola
Lunch: 3 slices of Toast with a little Flora spread on top and 2 poached eggs.
Dinner: Wholegrain Rice with Sweet and Sour Chicken.
Snacks: Natural Yoghurt with Pears, Peach and Pineapple Chunks, An apple with cinnamon sprinkled on top and a handful of grapes.
Drinks: A cappuccino, a cup of tea and 8 glasses of water.
I've been really into porridge oats as you can probably tell from having them the last couple of weeks and I like to top it with a bit of Granola, I swap between 3 different sorts at the moment so I don't get bored.
I've also been really loving having poached eggs for lunch. Its something different to what I was normally having as I got bored of Tuna(and something), so poached eggs is the perfect change.
I've been eating a tonne more fruit since I got back from holiday rather than reaching for a breakfast bar or a biscuit so that's good. I'm doing no #choctober over on Instagram where I'm not eating chocolate, biscuits, sweets or cakes for the month of October. So far so good.. but its only been 2 days.
I wish I had something more exciting to show you but unfortunately not.
If you interested in seeing more posts like these, head on over to Jenn's blog to checkout what everyone else has been eating!
Maybe I'll have something more exciting to show you next week!
Laura x