
Summary Sunday


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Before I start.. I didn't do one of these posts last week.. I was WAY too busy revising and I completely forgot to write up the post..
Workouts this week:
Tuesday - 5.66 miles
Wednesday - 5.67 miles
Friday - 5.75 miles
Saturday - 5.28 miles
Sunday - 6.58 miles

5 running days this week. I had all week off work and I go back to work on the 6th so I've had plenty of times to run this week.

I wouldn't normally run this much, but I've been running with Phillips Mum and she consistently does around 6 miles EVERY day without fail.. so I've been joining her on her runs.

So, its been more miles than I'd like.. as my legs are pretty tired now.. but its probably a good thing to try and out exercise the bad eating I've done this week.

which brings me on to the next thing...

Food this week:
has been utter CRAP. I've had SO much bad food this week its unreal. Christmas related foods, Christmas biscuits, chocolates. Its a good job I've been running this week and I won't be surprised if I've gained weight when I weigh in tomorrow. We shall see.

Nothing else to say about this.. Just an abundance of bad foods.

Goals last week:
Like I mentioned, I didn't write a post last week and therefore didn't have any goals for last week.

Goals this week:
I literally can't think of any goals for this coming week as I'll be travelling up to my parents to spend time with Mum and Dad for New Years.. and therefore any goals related to food are useless because I won't be in control of what I am eating.

I don't think I'm gonna make any specific goals.. but instead, I will sort out my resolutions for next year too. I still need to write a post to recap my resolutions that I set last year.

So, that's it. Good week for workouts.. but BAAAD week for food. Hopefully all the running this week has  cancelled out the bad eating, but like I said, we'll find out tomorrow on weigh in.

Until Next Time!

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