
Summary Sunday


Workouts this week:
Wednesday - 2.65 miles
Thursday - 1.53 miles
Saturday - 6.1 miles
Sunday - 6.16 miles

An OK week for running, its the only exercise I have been doing lately. Although, I've almost been trying to avoid going on them or nearly missing them and having to cut them short. Its been DARK in the mornings.. and I don't like running when its dark. So I've been doing my runs later.. which means I'm rushed for time afterwards trying to get ready for work.

I have no excuse.. and I will be making sure that this isn't an excuse next week as there are streetlights and its safe enough to run around the houses and neighbourhood when its dark as its still lit up. So yeah.

Food this week:
Food has been average this week. My failure to want to get out of bed early has rushed me most mornings meaning that I'm not getting in a proper breakfast. That ontop of the fact that I had Noodles all of last week for lunch was also a bad thing. Dinners was actually the most impressive this week and I've done well to eat healthier and get in my veggies.

Goals last week:
1st - Fit in some time to write blog posts.
I actually completed a goal! I wrote some blog posts this week that will be going up throughout the next couple of weeks. A pretty important (to me) post is coming up shortly. Part of the reason its taking me so long is cause I'm trying to be brave about it. You'll see when it comes.

Goals next week:
1st -  Get up earlier
I already have my alarms set early during the week as Phillip gets up before that as he works from 6 am on wards. Its just me falling back to sleep ;)

I either want to get up earlier and fit in Kettlebells or Yoga in the morning and then go running when its lighter.. or go running earlier.. and then I have enough time to do whatever else after I get back. I haven't decided, but either is a plan.

2nd - No slacking on water.
This always end up creeping into my goals every couple of weeks.. I do well on water intake for a while and then I end up completely neglecting it for no reason. 8 glasses or 2L of water per day, at least.

So, that's it for this week! Average, could have been better.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their night!

Until Next Time!

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