What I Ate Wednesday #17


Happy Wednesday Everyone! 

We're half way through the week. It's going quick, or at least for me! How about you?

I'm thankful for some mild weather at the moment. I went for a nice quick (for me;) 3 miler this morning, it was spitting slightly but nothing that bothered me too much.  The weather has been quite mild. I'd be happy if it just stayed this way until the weather starts warming up! 

I don't particularly like the cold too much and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the snow and ice stays away! I bet it won't though, typical England ;)

So, lets get onto what I've eaten..
Breakfast: Alpen Porridge with Maple and Pecan - I must admit, I think I'm getting a little bored of porridge and I think I'm gonna have to start having something else. To be honest, I've seen loads of pictures of pancakes on Instagram ect and I REALLY want to try making some for myself... I just need a good pan to make them on.
Lunch: Ham and Salad with some Sweet Chilli Cream Cheese on a Brown Wholemeal Wrap -  I've missed having these and glad I chose to have it this week. I think I might swap around the fillings a little during the week so it doesn't get boring.
Dinner: Spaghetti Bolognese with Pasta and Peas - We don't usually have stuff like this during the week and its made a change. Added more veggies into the meal with the peas and used Extra Lean Mince.
Snacks: Danio Passionfruit Yogurt -  I ABSOLUTELY love these yogurts, but unfortunately, I think they're SO expensive. Almost 90p for just ONE! You can buy a pack of 4 yogurts for the price it costs for just one.. obviously, not as healthy.. but still. For now, they're on offer and I've bought a bunch of them!
I also had a banana with some cinnamon but that's not pictured.

I've also been experimental with some Green Tea. I tried it once before and really couldn't adjust to the taste, but I decided to try again and I'm slowly getting used to it.  I've found some flavours from Twinings that I actually really enjoy.. but I've 5 boxes that I need to get through before I decide to try anymore flavours ;)

As Always, thanks to Jenn at Peas and Crayons for the linkup, please go and check out the other lovely guys and gals over there!

Question: Do you like Pancakes? Do you have any Recipes for any that you enjoy? Please feel free to share them!

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