Vows of March


Happy 1st of March!

I'm pretty sure this month is going to fly by and I'll be pretty busy. I'm definitely hoping to make sure that I keep the blog updated during this time.

I've 2 Birthdays coming up this month, it's also Mothers Day at the end of the month. I'm going on Holiday to Mexico starting 18th March and I've got some preparation for the holiday and my surgery to do before then.

If you haven't see the Vows I made for February, click HERE and if you haven't read my review of those vows, click HERE. ;)

So, lets get straight to the point. My vows for the month of March are:

*** Watch My Eating on Holiday ***
Massive one here, I tend to gain weight every time I go on holiday as I like to try new foods all the time. I'm going in for surgery a week after I get back from holiday.. and I really don't need to be weighing in heavier than I need to, the scales preferable need to go down, not up.

Being active is no issue, Our hotel is located right next to a popular reef so I'm sure we'll be swimming a whole lot on holiday so that's not a problem.

***  Continue with Yoga Practice Everyday and Complete the #BackBendMadness Challenge on Instagram ***
I'd like to continue practicing Yoga this month. It's a way for me to relieve stress and wind down at the end of the day and it feels good to stretch out, it's also been keeping me active and doing something.

I've joined in on the #BackBendMadness2014 challenge that's going on by Liquido and a couple of great Yogis so it will help me keep on track for practicing everyday and I'll keep accountable through Instagram.

*** Try to loose 4 lbs this month ***
As you'll be aware if you've been reading my posts, I'm trying to drop my weight down to around ~130 lbs for surgery. Losing 4 lbs will bring me around 132 lbs, that's 1 lb a  week to loose - I know it might not be doable as my body likes being at 136 but we'll see what happens. I'm definitely keeping my fingers crossed.

Question: Do you set any goals at the beginning of the month? What are they?

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  1. Good luck with your goals - I'm sure you'll smash them!
    Have you considered taking your trainers and fitting in a couple of run's on holiday? Not for everyone but I find it clears my head first thing and allows me to stuff my face even more.
    In relation to goals...Every month I set a plan to cover XYZ miles and try a couple of new workout's to keep things fresh :) x

    1. I usually take my gym gear with me, but last year in Dominican it was SO hot with no air con in the gym.. and when I tried to run, I ended up getting terrible water blisters all over my body that were disgusting! It totally put me off doing it again - I stuck to swimming and water running last year - but eating wasn't great which is why I gained, I'll just focus more on my eating. :)


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