
Friday Five // This Summer I Will


So, I see these posts all the time on a Friday and I really enjoy reading them. I never actually realised that there was a theme between the posts. I really don't know how I missed that! However, I decided that it was about time I joined in on the fun.

So it's the Friday Five Linkup that is hosted by the DC Trifecta that is Mar, Courtney and Cynthia!

They do a Linkup every Friday called Friday Five, which is themed for a certain topic. This weeks topic is 'This Summer I Will'

So, this theme is basically a way for us to make goals or plans that we want to accomplish during the summer. I'm sure everyone has at least one thing that they plan to do during the summer! Hopefully the weather is nice here in Britain for the summer.. but I'm not totally hopeful.

So without further ado..

This Summer I Will..

1. Continue with my 10k per day streak.
As you'll probably know by now, because I'm sure I've mentioned in a prior blog post or on social media. I'm involved in the Global Corporate Challenge which is where you compete world wide as a team of 7 to get in as many steps as you can.

We are currently on Day 10 and I've been consistently hitting atleast 10k steps per day. Today, I'm at  17.7k steps so I'm very happy, its my PB for the challenge so far. We still have 90 days left of the challenge, it ends in Sept, so I want to keep up a streak of atleast 10k per day in steps.

2. Start running/exercise again
I haven't been cleared for exercise or running yet after surgery, but I'm currently 2 months post op so I don't think it will be too much longer before I am told that I can slowly start to exercise again and hopefully get back into running.

Currently, my fitness level has dropped so much! I went for a walk into town this afternoon with a co-worker and just walking up a hill got me out of breath.. which was usually no problem prior to going in for surgery. I haven't really done any forms of exercise in about 3 months. I can't wait to get back to exercise again.

3. Start making/baking healthier foods.
Summer is usually a time when my eating slacks, I enjoy summery treats, ice cream in warm weather etc. I think I'll be trying to eat healthier this summer to keep the weight maintained and also experiment with cooking/baking too.

4. Get back to pre-surgery weight.
I HAVE gained a bit of weight since surgery. Not a lot.. and I'm sure that a majority of it is water weight from swelling, but I am definitely not happy to see the number I've been seeing on the scale. So the sooner I can exercise the better. For the mean time, I've been restricting what I eat and I am tracking my calories at the moment to keep my eating under control for the time being.

5. Be more consistent with blogging.
This is one thing that I've been slacking with recently and posts haven't been going up consistently during the week. It's not that I don't have anything to blog about either, because I have loads of topics in my drafts that are just sitting there ready for me to write. I just sometimes get distracted with something and then end up not having the time to write up the post.

I've bought a book specifically for blogging where I can write down post schedules, post ideas, upcoming posts ect so I can keep on top of blogging and keep my schedule consistent.

Thank you to the lovely ladies for hosting this linkup. Be sure to check them out and the other posts too!
Question: Do you have any plans for the summer?

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  1. 10K per day? Nice work Laura! <3

  2. Where did you get that blogging book? I usually havepost its every where for my post ideas. Not the best organized. :)

  3. @rebeccajo it's not a specific book for blogging, but I bought a really nice hardback book which I write all my ideas in and schedules ect.

  4. Mar @ MarOnTheRun.com7 June 2014 at 15:43

    Thanks for linking up with us!! we never started out with a theme, but they proved popular so now we try to have one weekly. Love your list and congrats on soon becoming an auntie!!

  5. Tiffany @ The Chi-Athlete7 June 2014 at 20:18

    Woot woot for summer "I will..."s! Good luck! :)

  6. @Mar Yeah, they seemed fun so thought i'd join in. I thought that might have been a case with the theme.

    I thought maybe you might be psychic as I don't think I've mentioned anywhere about my sister being pregnant, but you seem to know ;) hahaha!

  7. Got it! Gives me a good excuse to go back a cute journal!! :)


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